"Stacie... did you tell this to the police?" Luke asks. I nod at him. "Yeah, when they were taking my statement I told them it was Alice who attacked Emily. They kept asking about Tom though and what he was doing." I recall. Luke looks puzzled for a second. "That's odd. I was told every witness identified Tom." He says. Suddenly something hits me.

"Alice's dad is a cop." I blurt out. They both look at me processing the info. "He used to have poker nights with my dad and some other army and cop buddies." I inform them. They glance at each other then look back at me. "Alright, we'll get to the bottom of this later. Right now we are here for Em." Beca mutters. I nod in agreement. We sit in comfortable silence as I work on my speech and Beca studies for her finals. There isn't much we can do but wait.

Finally a doctor comes in and we all stop what we're doing. She introduces herself before heading over to Emily and examines her. "She's looking better. Her scans are looking good and I think we can start taking her off the sedative." She informs us. I smile and look at Beca who still seems confused. "So she'll be able to wake up soon?" I ask for confirmation. She smiles and nods. "That's the plan." She says with a hopeful smile. I let out a sigh of relief as I lean back and rub my hand over my belly.

"We won't know if she has any neurological damage until she wakes up... but with her latest scan results I'm hopeful." She says with a slight smile. We thank her before she heads out the room. "This is good." Luke says before getting back to work. Beca sighs and runs her hand through her hair. "Wanna take a walk or something? I need a mental break." She asks me. I give her a small smile and nod. We can both use a minute to recharge. Beca helps me up and we leave Luke with Emily. I take Beca's hand as we head back to the elevators.

I let her take the lead as we venture to the cafeteria. "I could use some caffeine. Do you want something?" She asks me. I nod feeling my stomach start to growl and grab a fruit salad. Beca meets me at the checkout with her coffee. We pay and find and empty booth. I sit across from Beca and start to devour the various fruits. I look across from Beca and see her with a far off look. I reach my hand across the table and hold it out for Beca. She snaps her gaze to my hand and quickly takes it in hers.

"What's on your mind?" I ask her. "I think... I think I'm finally ready to talk to you about... my mom." Beca says nervously. My heart flips and I tighten my grip on her hand. "I'm here for you to share as much as you want about her. Go at whatever pace you want." I tell her. I try to hold in my emotions. I've always wanted to know more about her. I can tell based on the few things she's shared with me that Beca truly loved her.

She lets out a deep breath and nods. "Okay, maybe tonight?" She suggests. I nod at her. "How about we order Chinese too? We can
put on your favorites mix and make a nice safe space for you to talk." I suggest. She gives me a grateful smile and nods. "That sounds perfect." She says with a slight smile before drinking her coffee. We eat in comfortable silence before heading back up to Emily's room.

We spend the rest of the afternoon doing school work there. Several friends stop by to check in and I appreciate their distractions. I have a pretty good draft of my speech done by the time we decide to go home. Luke has to do some errands at the club and we agree to save him some food. We head home in silence as the radio plays quietly.

Beca takes Darth for a walk while I order dinner. I was nervous but intrigued to learn about Beca's past. I only knew little hints from what she said. I wanted to learn this side of her. I feel like it would really help me to understand her. Becs comes back in with Darth following behind her. He looks around and his ears go back before he goes to his bed and lays down. It was obvious he was missing Emily as much as we were. His normal playful personality was pushed back and I felt bad for the little guy. Everyone needs Emily back.

We go to the couch and put on a mindless show for background noise. "My mom... she was so amazing." Beca says. I turn and give her my full attention. "She never made me feel weird about being intersex. She taught me to love myself as is." She explains. I nod and smile. I love how confident she was with her body. "Honestly... I don't have much to say about my Dad. I mean he wasn't bad or anything to me but I didn't really feel any emotions about him. I don't know if that's because of what he did or if that was always there." She says pondering for a second. She runs to get us the food and I wait for her to continue between bites.

"All I remember is hearing shouting in the kitchen. Then there was a bang. I ran into the kitchen and saw my Dad hunched over my Mom, and red on her. I saw a gun on the floor nearby. Then someone said run. And I did. I ran and didn't stop until a cop eventually found me. To this day I don't know who said run. I don't know if it was her or him or someone else." Beca tells me. I process the information for a second. It made total sense now why her first instinct is to run when she's in stressful situations. I hold her hand and wait for her to continue.

"We were all with her from then until her end. It sucked. I know she tried to fight but she just couldn't. Luke promised her he would take care of me and Em, even though he was just a teenager. She passed an hour after he promised. I think she had to know we would all be okay." She says sadly before scooping up another bite.

"The trial was the worst part. I had to hear everything. I had to keep telling what I saw and reliving it." She says. I clutch her hand tightly as she pauses. "I felt nothing when they found him guilty. It didn't matter to me. No matter what... I felt like I lost." She says quietly. I wrap her in my arms and she feels like stone. "He's tried to write letters to us and still claims his innocence. Em, Luke, and I haven't even opened a single letter, but we occasionally get updates from our lawyers." Beca says. I'm curious about what the updates are about.

"I just... miss her. I wonder what she would say if she was here now. She would have slapped the shit out of me for being a teen parent but she would've loved being a grandma." Beca says with a slight smile. "I wish I could've met her. I feel like we would have hit it off." I tell her. "Oh for sure. Emily's personality is a lot like hers was. They could've been twins." Beca says with a slight smile. We put the food away and Beca comes and lays next to me. I rub my hand on her and she snuggles up a bit closer, Darth lays nearby on the floor.

We sit there like that for a bit. "Thank you for telling me, and I'm always here to listen." I tell her as I kiss the top of her head. "What the hell did I do to deserve you?" Beca asks seeming to search for the answer in my eyes. "You're you." I respond. I really mean it. I fall more in love with her as I learn more about her. Hell I feel like I don't deserve her. She leans in and connects our lips in a slow, meaningful kiss.

"I mean... also you're really good at sex stuff." I tease making us both laugh and break the last bit of tension in the air. We snuggle up for a bit longer and I put on a movie while Beca takes a nap still snuggled up close to me. I'm glad to see her able to catch some sleep, I know she needs it but the stress has made it impossible.  I lay there rubbing Beca's head with one hand and the other lays across my belly. I still have a hard time believing we will be parents soon.

I lay back and grab my phone, continuing to work on my speech. I bite my lip trying to find the right words to express how high school changed everything for me. I found my people and myself. How on earth do I word this into a speech?! I sigh and let my head fall back, taking in a few deep breaths and enjoying Beca's body cuddled against me.

I'm woken up to an annoying buzzing sound. I grab my phone but realize its not mine. I frown looking at Beca peacefully sleeping. I sigh and gently shake her. "Becs baby, someone is calling you." Beca mutters something a few times before reaching around for her phone. I accidentally moan when her hand grazes across my boobs. Curse these pregnancy hormones.

"Erm hello?" Beca mutters. She yawns but then freezes. "Emily?!.... You're up?... Yeah...no no baby yet.... Listen Em we'll be there soon... yes I will kiss Darth... okay... yes... no...bye Em." Beca finishes. I can feel my heart pounding.

"Emily's awake."

My Sister's Baby MommaWhere stories live. Discover now