Our Rage is Ours

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Why am I so angry? What's wrong with me? I was just wondering... No worries if not... It's okay... Please calm down... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm -

The tension in my jaw would crush bone to dust. The fire in my throat would burn down cities. The screams in my stomach would render the whole world deaf.

I drink it all myself. I force it to stay down. I don't dare let it escape. I wouldn't want to be a bitch. I wouldn't want to put the blood soaking my twisted panties on display. That would be crazy that would be crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm crazy I'm fucking crazy.

Sit down, shut up. Look pretty. Talk Less. Talk more. Smile more. Why are you laughing? Is that funny? Is that funny? Is that funny? I'll give you something to laugh about.

Don't be too hard on him. That would ruin his reputation. He's changed. Boys will be boys will be boys will be boys. He's just a boy. He's just a boy. He's just a boy.

I was just a girl.

Hold this, keep that. Don't tell. Don't tell. Don't tell. Why didn't you tell anybody? You could've talked to me. You know I'll always be there for you. Hello? Hello? Hello? Sorry I haven't been good about responding.

Get over it. It's in the past! The only thing that matters is the present. You need to loosen up. Learn to let things go. Why do you still care? Oh please, that was so long ago. I can't handle this right now. You're too much too much too much

Don't bother him with that, it would upset him. He shouldn't have that burden. This stays between us. Can you hold this? Can you hold this? Can you hold this? Can you hold this? What could you possibly have to carry?

Be his peace. Loosen the reigns. Whatever happens, happens. It's out of your control. Why are you nervous? You're insecure. Have some confidence. Men like confident women. Why are you so loud? Leave something to the imagination. Why would he buy the cow when he can get the milk for free? Why are you so insecure? Work on that work on that work on that

Set yourself on fire. You know how to. You've done it since the day you were born. You have your mother's eyes. Your mother's hair. Your mother's pain. Your mother's rage. Her mother's rage. Her mother's rage. Her mother's rage. Her mother's rage.

They try to own our bodies, our successes, our houses, our hearts, our minds, our futures. We own our rage. Our eternal, burning, rage. The only thing that becomes more and more our own as they try to take it.

When the men come, set yourself on fire.

You'll know how.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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