He's Mine

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Third Person POV

They say a person's malice can only go so far, but the truth is, some are more sinister than others and will stop at nothing to get what they want. <uckily, there are advocates as well that will not stop until they make villains come to justice.

Danny was so preoccupied, yet so happy thinking about the papers he had just been handed by Heather that he never cared to overlook what they said in their content. He went home feeling exhausted and for once, thought he could have a good night's rest. The battle with Heather was over, after all. The only thing left was to catch Vincent and Trevor.

With the declaration they had gathered and the evidence Gideon had, it was enough to put them behind bars for a very... Very long time. There was only one problem for Vincent, Heather was too cunning. Her beautiful face and sexy body had kept him from thinking she could actually be a smart cookie. She had come up with a master plan to take Zoey away from Danny and Layla, all while still leaving Vincent in ruins. But she had changed her mind at the last minute.

She knew Zoey was too attached to Daniel and Layla. It hurt her to think that she may never be able to be a part of Zoey's life. The thought of Zoey calling another woman 'Mom' was hurting her. But if she had to be rational, she knew Zoey was in the right place. She would get all the love and attention she was not able to give her.

Her goal now was to see Vincent fall, and the best part was that Vincent's daughters and ex-wife were in it to see his fall.

As the days went by, everything returned to normal for Danny and Layla. He had yet to read the papers Heather had given him. He was so busy painting his new baby's room, helping Layla at work to not exhaust her, and playing with Zoey that he had paid no mind to those papers.

Vincent was infuriated of course. He hadn't seen or heard from Heather in days since the day she was supposed to appear at the hearing. His attempt to kill Daniel had backfired and he had to stay in hiding, running like a fugitive before the cops came to take him away. He should have made sure to have hired a better hitman and he was regretting every minute of it now.

"Mexico is big enough. Even if they're looking for me out there, we can go to a different state other than Mexico City and live unbothered. Trust me, man. There are enough corrupt cops out there as there are here. We can pay them off and we will be left alone." Trevor suggests, making Vincent bite his nails nervously. He paced from left to right in the small hotel room they had been hiding in for the past two weeks.

"Yesh, well, what about my business, Trev? I can't just leave my business. I need to do something to save it. Fuck!" he says, slamming his hand on the tv stand, and making the television shake. "If only that stupid Heather hadn't crossed me. How could she give that asshole the damn kid? She was supposed to be my damn ticket out of this hellhole. If only my pops hadn't cut me off from our damn family business." he says irritatingly.

"Well, that was all your ex-wife's fault, man. I told you to stop bitch slapping her, it was bound to happen. Sooner or later your pops were going to find out. I mean, I'm surprised she didn't rat on you sooner." he says, making Vincent fume in anger.

His phone does a little ping, notifying him of an incoming message. Though his company was going under, he still had a good amount saved up. Enough to live in Mexico worry-free for at least a year or so while he thought of a plan to restart his business. He goes and grabs the phone looking at the notification.

His eyes bulge and he feels like his world has just ended. The notification was a message with a link to an email from his bank, which he opened immediately 'Thank you for your business, Mr. Alejo. We are sorry to see you go. We have successfully transferred all of your money to the new bank account you provided. Do not forget your new password and user name for it is the only way you will be allowed to make new withdrawals or new transactions."

His body shook in anger, blood boiling that Trevor feared he'd pop an artery. "You...BITCH!" he roars, making his goons barrage the room in seconds. "Boss! Are you ok?"

"What's going on, Vince?"

"She...she...that bitch. She stole my fucking money," he says as he logs in to his bank app and checks his account. His balance was in zeros. Every single one of his accounts, savings included, was in zero. "Rrrrraaaaahhhhhhhh!" he yells in frustration, tossing the phone and making it slam on the wall, and shattering the screen.

"What? You're kidding, right? What the hell are we going to do now? We can't leave without money, man? Please tell me you still got some cash on you or something?" Trevor asks, making Vincent see red.

"Shut up. Of course, I have some cash, but it's not enough for both. You stupid freeloader. Haven't I done enough for you? Find her. Find where the hell Heather is hiding, and bring her to me." he says, making his goons nod and leave quickly.

"I need to find that bitch wife of mine and make her pay. No one steals from Vincent Alejo. And as for Daniel, I'll make sure to pay him a little visit before we disappear. He's mine, and I'll be damn if I leave without my payback." Vincent says, gritting his teeth.

But it didn't matter how hard they tried to search for Heather or tried to get to Daniel. For one, Daniel was smarter than Vincent thought. You think he would know that by now, but he would soon learn not to mess with a Halloway. And two-They would not be able to touch Heather, for she was now under the care and protection of Vincent's very own ex-wife. Heather was not the only one who had stolen all of his cash, his ex-wife had helped her wipe him clean of all his money. The money they took was nothing but a tiny compensation for all the things he had put them through.

To make matters better, she had left a big surprise for Daniel and Layla. All that was left to do was for Daniel to open that file and read the damn thing.


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