Rollercoaster frights

Start from the beginning

"It's not funny!" He whispered and pretended to cry.

"Oh, but it is!" I fake pouted, turning back to face forward since they were going to start the ride. The ride took off, screams filling the air in enjoyment and fear. I closed my eyes at the beginning but opened them once I got used to the feeling. My hair that I should've tied in a ponytail going everywhere.

After the 40 second ride it came to a stop, and I was more than excited for the rest of the day. Already having a glimpse of the other rides.

"That was so fun! We have to go again!" Seeun shouted happily.

"I'm pretty sure I passed out for like half of it." Jungwon complained that he didn't like the ride.

We went on it again, much to his dislike, then went on a couple other ones. They weren't as big as the first.

We went searching for the food area, getting lost in which direction to go. After following the map for so long, we found all the small food vendors and restaurants. "No, I'm sitting next to Iseul. You already stole her away from me earlier." Jungwon told Seeun sticking his tongue out at her like a child. She ended up smacking the back of his head.

"Yah! That hurt." He moped.

We sat down after paying for our food, soaking in the pleasant sun. Letting our food digest just a little bit more so no gross accidents happen.

"You know what let's just yolo it! Who cares if we throw up!" Seeun grabbed both our arms dragging us from our seats, eager to start getting on the rollercoasters again.

Once again we were stuck in line waiting, though we were almost to the front. We waited almost an hour just for Seeun to say that she had to use the bathroom really bad. She insisted that we stay in line since she made us wait for so long. She walked away quickly, looking like she couldn't hold it in.

I watched Jungwon who was watching the people who just began riding the rollercoaster. He had an anxious expression planted on his face.

"Hey, are you good?" I asked him, worried.

"Yeah I'm good why?" He said a little too quickly.

"Are you scared?" It clicked in my brain, he was afraid of rollercoasters. No wonder he didn't want to go on the larger rides earlier.

"Pshh, no" he scoffed, totally unconvincing.

"You liar, you definitely are" I said. "Don't worry I'll protect you" I teased.

"Oh yeah? Okay, then I guess I feel better. Thanks Seulie" he patted my head, going along with the joke.

Seulie? A nickname? That's new.

I can feel my cheeks start to heat up, making the rest of my body feel warm. I pressed the back of my hand to my forehead, making sure I wasn't getting a fever or anything. That's weird, I wonder why I started feeling like that.

He gently pushed my back, telling me to walk forward since it was our turn next. We fastened our seatbelts, tugging on the ends to make sure they were in correctly.

The cart started slowly going up vertically, we were basically at a ninety degree angle, facing up at the sky. I look to the side and see Jungwon breathing heavily, eyes closed tightly.

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