Risen. - Chapter One

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bulma groaned as she pressed her hand against the the snooze button and stirred back into her sleep. yes, her dream wasn't the best but she was still tired. her eyes shut close straight away as she drifted back into the land of her dreams.

until her door swinged and slammed open. standing there was a very menacing figure. there were fists in both his hands. bulma jolted up at once, covering her breasts with the blanket she was sleeping with.

"what the HELL?" she proclaimed, her voice hoarse from sleep.

his fists now shook as he clenched them harder. there was obviously something wrong. his voice formed a small huff. he grumbled as he slammed his foot down and accidentally cracked a floorboard.

"you told me my armour would be done YESTERDAY! WHERE IS IT, WOMAN?"

bulma looked over at him, a nervous smile forming on her face. the truth is that she hadn't even finished or... even started the project. but if she told him that, that would really piss him off. thoughts scrambled in her mind as she quickly tried to think of an excuse.

"well, vegeta." bulma said in quite a plummy voice, "if you leave to let me get changed, i'll let you have it when i'm done."

he smirked, "i think i'll stay right where i am, woman. i'm not going anywhere after weeks you've promised to give me the armour."

bulma stood, blanket wrapped around her as she sighed and walked to her closet, picking around for an outfit. at this point, she was only buying time to form another excuse.

"i don't have all day." he said, looking down at the ground and leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

"yeah, yeah, vegeta. what's a woman gotta do to make herself look pretty after waking up like a mess in the morning?"

vegeta looked up at her. she had a serious case of bedhead, her long teal hair sticking in every direction. not to mention the crust formed in her eyes too and her slow and groggy demeanour.

"hmph." vegeta looked down again, slowly starting to become impatient. his foot now tapped against the floorboard, and his eyes slowly fixated on the one he nearly just broke.

bulma walked into her en-suite bathroom to get changed into the clothes she had picked out, away from the vicinity of vegeta's eyes. she slumped down on the toilet seat, lost in her thoughts.

"i don't know what to do..." she held her head in her hands and sighed. nothing was going to get her out of this one. like he said, he had already been waiting weeks for his finalised armour, yet it hadn't came.

bulma slipped on her clothes for the day. a high cut leather jacket, a plain white crop top and a pair of jeans. it was nothing special as she didn't expect to be going anywhere.

she opened the bathroom door and closed it behind her, walking over to her vanity to brush her hair.


bulma jumped from her seat as his voice boomed through her heart.

"calm down vegeta, all i have to do is brush my hair and do my make-up!"
"there's no time for that now. I WANT MY ARMOUR."
"geez, if you'd calm down i'd give you it. demanding doesn't get anyone anywhere."

bulma huffed and got up from her seat, "fine. i'll get you it."

"it's about time, you filthy woman," vegeta huffed before stomping out of bulma's bedroom, right behind her.

bulma shivered a little. something about knowing vegeta was right behind her put her at unease. just knowing he could snap any moment and do something to her without her even seeing. she took a deep breath before walking over to dr. briefs, her father. he would know what to do.

"oh hello, dear!" he said, smiling at his daughter, "how are you?"
"uhm, yeah, im fine. could i talk to you in private?"
"i don't see why not? what's on your mind?"

vegeta glared at bulma, wanting to know what the hold up was. he really just wanted the armour he had been promised was done for nearly a month now.

"stay here ok, vegeta. i just need to talk with dad about something, ok?"

he gave a small yet hesitant nod and they both walked into a spare room, bulma pulling up a chair and sitting down on it.

"i need to do something about vegeta's armour. quick. i haven't even started it yet!"

he looked down in disappointment at his daughter, "bulma, you had ages to make it and you haven't even started?" he sighed under his breath, "we could probably do something. keep vegeta busy for now while i quickly make it. tell him im going to do some tests on it before he can wear it."

"mmm, you think that would work?"
"take him to an all you can eat buffet. of course it'll work!"

bulma sighed which gave a, 'i don't think this is going to work' sorta tone.

they both returned to vegeta, bulma fiddling with her thumbs. she looked up at vegeta and sweated a little bit.

"dad wants me to take you out, since he needs to do some tests on it before you can-"
"DO YOU THINK THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS NEEDS TESTS ON SOME ARMOUR? NO! I CAN TAKE ANYTHING!" he scowled, his fists now clenched like he was about to punch something.

"vegeta, what if something goes wrong and you get hurt? we can't have that can we?"
"me, get hurt? woman, i think you forget who i am."
"vegeta, you've been hurt countless times on the battlefield."

he stared at the ground before accepting his fate and walking with bulma, "see ya soon, dad! text me when you're done!" she shouted over to him, exiting the house with vegeta behind her.

as they left, they could hear a distant, "will do!" emitting from the house.

"where are you taking me, woman?" he grumbled under his breath.

"oh, you'll see," she said, taking out a hoi-poi capsule and opening it, as a bike appeared in a huge cloud of dust, "hop on, vegeta!" bulma smiled as she donned the driver's seat, vegeta slowly slipping himself on behind her. she gave him a helmet and they both plopped it onto their heads. bulma then took off with a dash.

vegeta didn't say a word during their trip, but the silence told bulma he wasn't alright. she bit her lip in a nervous manner as she drove to the restaurant. even though he'd probably eat out the whole place, it still wouldn't replace his undying anger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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