chapter 16: signing off

Start from the beginning

Supposedly since things died down after Gale's incident, people just stopped caring for the reporter. The only other person that she cared about in Woodsboro was Dewey. The sad thought deepened Y/N's sorrow.

She pushed the door open slowly, expecting to see a nurse checking for Gale's vitals. She thought about the possibility of Sydney being there and that made her nervous. The unexpected factor could ruin her organized plan,

But it was empty except for the lone woman laying on the hospital bed.  The room was an eyesore of brightness compared to the showstopper presence of the hallway.

A soft glow of the monitor and the moonlight streamed in through the window. The hushness was overwhelming, broken only by the steady beep of the heart monitor.

Y/N moved closer to the bed, and as she gazed at Gale's lifeless body, a flood of despair swept over her. Her heart sank as a twinge of remorse hit her.

She thought about how frail the woman looked in the hospital bed. She remembered back to the times where she had done extensive research on the Stab movies and the Woodsboro killings.

She even read the books Gale wrote about them a couple of times in case she forgot any details. Gale would've found the girl's dedication to be admirable.

Y/N decided to break the silence. She wasn't fond of staying in the dingy hospital room for much longer.

"You really were my idol, Gale."

Y/N stayed for a while, just watching Gale's still form, long and hard. She was well aware that there was a possibility that Gale could hear her despite being in a coma. So she chose her next words carefully, not allowing to give too much away in case she miraculously jolted awake.

"I'm sorry about Dewey," she said softly, twiddling with her fingers.

She didn't want to wait any longer. She had wasted enough time already. She went out to check if there was anyone in the hall, highly doubtful of it. The halls were the same, void of all human life with an unsettling dimness.

But something caught her eye, a shadowy figure standing at the end of the hallway. She froze, her heart going a million miles. She harshly squinted her eyes, trying to visualize the figure but she couldn't quite make it out. Her eyes barely adjusted to the sudden darkness.

If it was a person then she had to dispose of them right away. But before she could reach them, the figure disappeared into the shadows.

Y/N was left standing there, her heart pounding in her chest, wondering if what she had just seen was real or just her imagination.

Hesitantly, she returned to Gale's room, feeling a little silly, and locked the door behind her.

No more distractions.

She grabbed the Ghostface outfit out of her pack and put on the robe. As she pulled the hood down she met eyes with Gale, head fully turned towards the girl.

Y/N's heart hammered in her chest as she stared at the woman, completely horrified. Gale was looking directly at her, silent. Y/N stood there, unable to make a move or speak.

She was caught wearing the robe. The reason that Gale was there in the first place. The woman didn't say anything either, her eyes just bored into the girl.

Y/N couldn't it hold on any longer and finally blinked, her eyes watering from the withdrawal. Just like that, Gale was back in her regular position, eyes shut and head facing the ceiling. Was it just a trick of the light or something more sinister?

Y/N coughed furiously, unaware of the breath she was holding. She quietly cursed at herself. All this stress was making her see things.

Finally, she put on the mask along with the black gloves, feeling a surge of confidence flow through her. She had forgotten about the power she had felt when finally putting on the mask.

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