Straightenin' (j.o)*

Start from the beginning

Edward stated as Natalie walked into the room, "I'm going to get some ice, I'll be back."

"Get me a cup, please," Natalie responded, and Edward shut the door.

"Come with me?" Edward asked, and you shrugged, following the man to the ice machine on the hotel floor. Anything to not deal with Jenna's shit, you guess.

"Spouse to spouse?" He asked, and you answered, "Yeah, sure."

"Jenna's attitude is just like her mother's." The man spoke.

You furrowed your brows, that's clearly blasphemy, "Nah-uh, your wife's the sweetest woman I've ever met."

He laughed, "Yeah? Then my daughter is the loveliest woman on this planet."

Your eyes widened at the statement, you grimaced, "Whew, then you don't know my wife."

He bumped your shoulder, "And you don't know mine."

The two of you laughed, turning the corner, reaching the ice machine. Edward grabbed a cup from the dispenser. You leaned against the nearby wall, watching the man. He asked, lifting the scooper for ice, "When Jenna is upset, how do you deal with it?"

"I talk to her; get to heart of the matter. I feel like everything can be resolved with a simple conversation." You affirmed.

He scooped some ice, "Everything?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's gotten us this far," you pointed to your ring.

"How about today?" He asked, you rose your eyebrows, you sighed of defeat.

Edward nodded before scooping some more ice. Once he finished filling one cup, he placed it down, grabbing another one, "When Natalie is upset, I have 2 methods: talking, like you said, and if that doesn't work; straightenin'."

"Straightening?" you inquired.

Edward scooped some ice, "Yeah," he chuckled, before putting the scooper down, "I fuck her."

You dropped your head, shaking it, you erupted in laughter. You looked up at him with a vein popping from your forehead, tears plaguing your eyes, "Ha! You really don't know my wife, that won't work!"

The man shrugged innocently before collecting the cups of ice, "Well then you're welcome to try talking again."

Your laughing ceased. He walked around the corner, and you followed him, "Jenna wouldn't even want know."

"Again, she's just like her mother; she would. In fact, she's already there."

"How are you so sure?" you asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm married to her mother!" Edward chuckled before he abruptly halted his movement; you stopped walking too, "And frankly, not everything needs to be talked out. Communication is passive when your partner isn't comprehending, or even bothering to listen."

You bit your lip, ouch.

He exhaled, raising and lowering his shoulders, "At some point, there's a need for action; for aggression. And for you, that point is now."

"But —" you lifted a finger.

"No buts," he cut you off, shaking his head.

You exhaled. He went on, "Listen, I admire you being gentle and good to my daughter, but that nice shit won't keep a ring on your finger. Especially when you're overlooking your own feelings in the matter. Be there for her, but show up for yourself too."

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