8 - N-Nee-chan?!

688 21 18

No one's POV

We see Segami up in her room, playing some games in her room, as she's seeing how the new Npetunia games are going.

Segami: Hmmm... I would say that some are fine, but the 2D one isn't what I'd say is the best.

As she is about to start another game, she hears Eris's voice.

Eris: L-Lady Segami...?

Segami: What is it Eris? I'm a bit busy right now.

Eris: Well... I'll send you the forms.

As if on cue, a stack of papers, then flies up, and Segami looks at the paper and is shocked.

Segami: Wait.... isn't this...?

Segami then pulls up a screen, showing Y/n as a child, and sees his mom leaving to take a phone call. After a few seconds, a girl is seen walking into the room, and hugs the young Y/n, which he does respond to by hugging back.

Segami: Oh boy... Eris, bring her up to me. I think I might know why she's here, and I know exactly what to give her.


Location: Nearby village

We see Y/n, Kazuma, Mile, and Fran in a forest, collecting some herbs, as Y/n slowly wanted to get Fran into the adventurer lifestyle, and he needed the ingredients to create some more Nep Bull VII.

Y/n: Sorry for having you guys come out and help me with this.

Kazuma: No, it's fine! I was quite curious how you managed to pull it off anyways.

Mile: Yeah, I was quite surprised as well!

Y/n: I can't tell if they're lying or not.

Y/n: What about you Fran, are you-

Y/n then turns to Fran, and notices the bored expression on her face.

Y/n then turns to Fran, and notices the bored expression on her face

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Kazuma: He is Fran.

Kazuma: This is kinda boring, but I'm not going to say it out loud.

As the four continue collecting the plants needed, they hear swords clashing.

Mile: Hey... is anyone else hearing that...?

Kazume: Yeah. There's someone fighting.

Y/n: Okay, we can get the stuff later! Let's move

Fran: *happy tone* Yeah!

Y/n: Oh, so now you're happy?!

Fran and Y/n: Konosuba!

We see a village being overrun by goblins, and with some adventurers trying to fight back.

Konosuba: Everyday Misadventures (OP Neptunia Male Reader Spin-Off)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin