Capitolul 20

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Ben: Anyone d-

Carlos: Depressed?

Evie: Drained?

Jay: Dumb?

Mal: Disliked?

Ben: -done with their work... what's wrong with you people?


The core 4's thoughts on stabbing

Carlos would never stab anyone

Evie would stab someone in retaliation

Jay would stab without warning

Mal would stab as a warning


Ben visiting the Core 4: Hello, i just come to-

Ben sees Mal shoving Evie into the washing maching while Carlos records and Jay watches

Ben retreating: Something suddenly came up


Ben: So, what is Evie to you?

Mal: The reason i wake up every morning

Ben: That's adorable sibling goals

Evie earlier that morning into her and Mal's room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!!


Gil: Hey Harry?

Harry: Yea?

Gil: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?

Harry: ...

Harry: ....What?


Jay, talking to Mal: Just think about this! I'm your hottest friend.

Jay: No, that's Evie.... I'm your nicest friend

Jay: No, that's Carlos....

Jay: I'm......your friend!


Lonnie sees someone doing something stupid

Lonnie: What an idiot

Lonnie realizes it's Jay

Lonnie: Wait, that's MY idiot!

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