Never Marry

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Marriage is like mushroom, we notice too late if they are bad or good.


"Because forever is too long to be unhappy"

Run to a place where you can be free.

How the breeze feels warm every time it touches my cold skin as the waves of the oceans came crashing back at this shores as the sands dances to its sussuration.. How peaceful, how lovely..

Yes run to be free and single..
Alone with life in solitude..

No, never be too fast to be with someone.. Learn to be alone ad happy, accomplishing lifes success..

Walk down the aisle as it brings you to a perfect coffee shop sipping each delightful blend savouring the aroma of each beans sifted with much care.

Pick a book in a library and enter a world of delusions yet make your heart soars in awe. Indulge in every twist as if you were there living every moment of wondrous adventure. Seeking the exit of every maze you have entered that's full of beautiful roses.

Paint your world in a canvas, making a perfect masterpiece letting those enthusiast admire every line and colors that splashes from your brush..

Then again, run, not yet.. Not until you find yourself ready to be chain..

Yes, chain..
Chained to a wrong idea of marriage which you can never escape once you tied knots to a wrong love whilst you thought was bonafide and surreal.
Chained for the sake of the new life that has been brought in these world due to a love making but at the end was a mistake for being impulsive. Those offspring will be in constant suffering, waking up in a world that is unhappy, chaotic, without love and respect.

Life is to short to be cage with the wrong idea of love. To be with the person we think that they are and should be.

Blinded by the feeling of love yet it was not
To be in fast phase decision not knowing if we did the right choice.

Never marry to the idea of love,
Never marry due to chills and spark,
Never marry when you don't understand what marriage is
Never marry if you don't understand the responsibility attached with it.
The commitment and the adjustment of constant solving.

Marriage is never easy
Marriage is not all about love
It is about fighting the relationship to be intact,
To commit and to change, meeting half way, giving and giving till you see yourself only as a cinder 'coz you were at the wrong person.

Choosing one is easy but to be with the right one is hard..
Flaws are being accepted but flaws sometimes are being too much that it will melt you and lose yourself to the unknown.

Marriage is like both soldier in a battle field that you have to fight every war and needs winning.
It is a battle between life, happiness and responsibility, tragedy and sadness.
Being with the wrong person brings war between both of you, but having the right person will fight battlefields alongside with you.

So never marry in a hurry because marriage is never a competition. Enjoy life, bloom and evolve yourself, reach your ambition, take all the time you have while young.

Never marry cause you think you were in love..

Never marry if you think you were ready but you have no idea what lies behind those sacrimony..
Never marry if you can't understand why you have to be a cold water over a fire when the fire created was from wrong.

Never marry when you don't learn how to raise your white flag over heated arguements, if your ego and pride will always be above all. If you will always think that you are always correct than the other.

Never be in a commitment that came from short time relationship.
Know who your partner making sure they can be your friend, bestfriend, ally, a confidant, a reliant..

Love can make us feel drunk and forget to be sober not until we wake up one day knowing that the person we choses was wrong.

Never be too fast.

"Marriage can bring us blist yet it can bring us terror, pain, trauma, and anxiety when we are with a wrong partner and it is never easy to get out.."

"A long and unhappy marriage is never considered a successfully marriage.."

Choose your relationship wisely. Perhaps it is better to be alone rather than to be in a bad company. The pains of marrying a wrong person is worst than your fear of not getting married.



•Always remember that PLAGIARISM is a CRIME.
Respect each writer's masterpiece. It is a part of them you destroy by copying their works.


•Enjoy reading everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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