Desperate Times - Desperate Solutions

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"we need him. we need Kai." 

"no." that's all Taehyun could say. not the pleading look on Yeonjun face nor the decreasing health of Soobin could convince him that would be a good idea. "we will go out and buy the things we need, but Kai stays out of it" 

Yeonjun sighs, rubbing his temples restlessly. he looks at Soobin, who is now wearing a greenish- white color and hot red cheek that hints on his high fever.

"the next store is 15 minute away, who knows if they have the amount of ice we need and there's no way I'm letting you guys leave the house alone." Yeonjun's voice sounds strangles and stressed. adding to Taehyun's uprising anxiety. 

of course using Kai would be faster. but the consequences could be dire. and there's no way Kai's stable enough to pull off such a thing. they could end up in the same position they did last time.

he's not making Kai go through that again. not now, not when things are just starting to look up.

"then we'll think of another way..."

"why? we know it's going to work. he did it last time." 

"he got hurt last time. because of you." Taehyun reminds him.

Yeonjun bites the flesh of his inside cheeks. looking down in a sort of past shame that he had yet to fully forget. he knows what he did, and what he's asking now. he's being selfish.

Soobin starts squirming on the bed, murmuring something about being in pain. he tries letting go of Yeonjun's hand, but the elder can't bring himself to let go. his heart feels like it's being torn in pieces, blinding him from Soobin's pained sounds.

the younger tries pulling away but on default, Yeonjun grips even tighter. eliciting a mellowed down cry from Soobin. 

"Hyung.." Taehyun whispers. "I think you're hurting him."

Yeonjun looks up from his knees, noticing his tense hand holding on to Soobin's limp one. he lets go shakily, muttering a quiet apology to the half conscious boy. 


"hmm?" Yeonjun's too emotionally drained to respond properly. it seems as if letting go of Soobin had taken the last thing he needed to stay sane. his hand missing the warmth of his lover.

"how cold does it need to be?"


"love.." Taehyun stroked Kai's cheek. "can you wake up for me..?"

Kai hummed quietly, but didn't move an inch. the young boy had slept through the whole ordeal without stirring once. it was quite obvious that Kai was the kind to be a heavy sleeper, but was simply deprived of that trait back in the facility.

his dark soft curls lay on top on his fare skin. covering most his his upper face. he looks so beautiful, Taehyun almost forgets why he wanted to wake him up in the first place.

"I need your help.." Taehyun whispers softly.

he half expects the younger to jolt awake like a normally does. tensing his body before calming down. something that has been a habit of his ever since they took him in.

but to his surprise, the younger wakes up peacefully. smiling cutely upon seeing Taehyun's face. it feels bitter sweet. to see Kai doing better while simultaneously losing a part of him Taehyun grew to familiarize himself with.

there's zero to no time to register the progress the younger is showing because seconds later there are yells from his Hyungs' room. he can't quite hear what they are about, but he's assuming he needs to hurry.

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