Chapter 7 - Relentless Decision

Start from the beginning

After that, he headed downstairs.

The ambiance of the house was quite pleasant and the breeze was satisfying compared to yesterday's heat. "Felic! What's for breakfast?" He called.

No response. He headed to the kitchen, earning the truth that no one was there. He expected Felicia to be there but she was not. The werecat roamed through the mansion, even went to the third floor where the library and storage room stood. As well as the grand piano, wondering if Felicia let him see her play a piece.


He scratched his head, wondering where the buff creator would be. "She must be outside..." he mumbled to himself. Is she going for a run? or walking in the rosy forest?

He strolled through the main entrance and started to look for her.

There he found her, at the corner of the balcony beside the mansion. Felicia was standing self-reliantly, sipping on her morning coffee. Her veiny left hand was laced nicely on the concrete. Her eyes gazed upon the red forest in front of her, seemed like she was in deep thought.

Mocha tried to sneak up, ought to avoid being noticed. He eventually yearned to approach her, just to exchange pleasantries. But he considered that Felicia wanted to have her morning time in peace. He thought of running back upstairs, taking a nice warm shower. When he was about to turn, her voice made him freeze.

"Good Morning." Felicia greeted. Although she acknowledged Mocha's presence, she kept her attention focused forward. She just stood there, looking all mighty and powerful.

"Good...good morning." The brown-haired cat replied. "So do you have a sixth sense or something?"

"And why do you ask that?" She finally turned around, forming a smirk when she saw Mocha with his messy hair and that oversized white shirt.

"You noticed me the whole time didn't you?"

"Yes, I know since the moment you step out from the bed." Felicia said, sipping on the last drop of her coffee. Exhaling the warmth of the drink as it crawled down her throat.

Mocha stood there, smiling back. 'Of course she knew, this was her world after all.'

The creator was in control.

The idea of Felicia's constant surveillance, observing every move in her world, made Mocha slightly uneasy. But he shook it off.

"Coffee?" She offered, prepared to pour some for the traveler.

"Oh, I don't drink coffee... I'm kinda a tea person..." He sheepishly said. "What coffee is that, if I may ask?" He was uninterested in her coffee but rather sought a chance to start a conversation with her.

Felicia only chuckled. Her behavior made Mocha raise his eyebrow, before asking why, Felicia answered.

"Caffè Mocha."

Mocha's body tensed up, his eyes widening in surprise as if he were a startled student in a quiet classroom, caught off guard by a sudden call from the teacher. The soft chuckle escaped the creator's lips making him recognize the clichéd reaction.

"I like my coffee with the sweet taste of chocolate." She added.

" okay..." Mocha blushed and rubbed his neck, his tail wagged quite fast than it was supposed to.

"Breakfast is ready if you want, you don't skip breakfast right?" She walked towards the entrance where Mocha stood, and halted to ask the question. Her eyes lowered to Mocha's face, and Mocha had to lift his head. "Yeah, I don't." He replied.

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