I'm back (29/04/23)

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Hey fans and readers both old and new.

Today those of you with this in your library probably got bombarded with new published chapters but they are all for this reason:

I finally picked a name to write under and I was taking my name out and putting the new name in. (No I am not changing my name in real life but on the book I am)

I was always a bit unsure about writing under my actual name so I'm happy now that I've got a writer's name for the app. As you can see if you read the A/n's at the bottom of the chapters my new writer's name is Ocean. But I also might use PoisonGirl since that's my screen name so we'll see.

But there's more.

Today instead of doing my maths homework because that's boring and you are all so much better than maths, I finalised my drafts for the new book!

Thanks to @Dat_one_weird_aunt for the title, 'We're safe now (Peter Hayes x reader)' should be out today or tomorrow. Not sure when because I'm seeing the new DnD movie soon so I have to decide when to finalise the final drafts. But anyway, the new book will be out. The collab is on hold as I said in the last chapter 'The collab' which has a new update from today. I have been speaking with my fellow author Esme_kittygirl and we think it will probably come at the end of the book.


I hope you all enjoyed 'I love you (Peter Hayes x reader)' and can't wait to see you in 'We're safe now (Peter Hayes x reader)'.

Massive props to Esme_kittygirl and Dat_one_weird_aunt for the next book.

Over and out,

Love Ocean xx

I love you (Peter Hayes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now