3: "Get tattoos."

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You, Christina, Daniel and Tris walked into the dining room. You gestured to the able where four sat and Christina rolled her eyes but nodded and you made your way there. The table sat ten and almost all the seats where taken so they sat down wherever. On one side of the table there was Four, Tris, Christina, Uriah and Molly and on the other side there was Peter, you, Daniel, Will and Al.

You took some food but you weren't really sure what to do with it. Christina looked at you, Tris and Daniel. "Have you never seen a hamburger before?"

"I have, I've just never eaten one before." Tris replied and you nodded in agreement.

"Abnegation eat plain food. Plant-based diet with no sauces and a minimum of seasoning." The Erudite boy said.

"Which text book did you swallow?" Christian said laughing.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Will. Erudite." Everyone said oh as they realised why he knew so much.

"That's Christina, Candor," she waved, "and next to her is Tris," she waved too, "and next to me is Daniel," he saluted, "both Abnegation and I'm..."

"Y/n. Abnegation." everyone turned to look at Peter. "What? I can't know people's names or their old Factions?" He looked at you and he actually looked hurt.

"No, it's not that, it's just I didn't think you'd care what my name was or where I came from."

"You back flipped off a building with no idea what was at the bottom. Do you know how much of an impression that makes, or did you just do it for fun?" You knew he was right; you had done it to be noticed. Suddenly everyone started banging their cups on the table and some people arrived at the balcony.

"Initiates, stand!" he had a commanding voice and you could tell he was leader. They stood. "You have chosen to join the warrior faction, tasked with the defence of this city and all its inhabitants. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery and the courage that drives on person to stand up for another. Respect that and do us proud." The leaders left as people cheered and lifted up the initiates. You weren't sure when you made your way back to the dorm or when you bothered to get into your pyjamas (a long grey top and some running leggings) but the next thing you knew Four was hitting a metal cup against the railing and waking you all up saying something about being somewhere in two minutes. You got up and got dressed listening to Christina and Tris complain about it being too early for this. Eventually you were dressed but you were too tired to walk alone and definitely arrive to the pit so you lay on your bed waiting for Christina to finally be done.

When she was she yelled for you to get up or you'd be late. Just before you lifted your head you felt two arms lift you up, one behind your knees and on your back so you were being cradled by someone. You looked up to see Daniel. You couldn't be bothered to fight back so you lay your head against his chest and waited to arrive at the pit.

"There are two stages of training." Four said. "The first is physical, push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat. The second is mental, again breaking point. You'll face your worst fears and conquer them, unless they get you first. You'll be trained separately from the Dauntless born but you'll be ranked together. After initiations rankings will determine what jobs you move into. Leadership, guarding the fence or keeping the Factionless from killing each other."

"They will also determine who gets cut."


"After each stage of initiation the lowest ranking people will be leaving us."

"To do what?"

"Well, there's no going home to your families so you'd be factionless." There where murmurs of horror.

"Why weren't we told this?"

"New rule."

"New rule? Someone should have told us."

"Why? Would you have chosen differently? Out of fear? Well if that's the case then you might as well get out now. If you were truly one of us it wouldn't matter to you that you might get cut. You chose us now we choose you." Eric walked away.

*skip to training next day*

You were practicing your shooting, you hit the target every time and had shot several instant death shots. No one else was doing anywhere near as good, especially not Tris. She missed every time, you could see Will talking to her, probably saying something about the probability of her hitting the target. Four called time on the shooting and moved us onto running.

You were running past some Factionless when someone called Four over. While they were talking Peter took the opportunity to bully Tris.

"Check it out. That's gonna be your new family. Go say hi." You walked over and put your hand on Peter's shoulder her turned around a grin on his face. "What do you want?"

"For you to stop being an arrogant, cocky git. Sadly, not all wishes come true." His grin dropped and he kicked your shin.

"You got anything else you'd like to say?"

"Yeah just one more thing." You got up and punched him in the nose, it began to bleed and Four turned around.

"Behave." He hissed. "This is the single time I will let that go unnoticed." You flashed him the same innocent smile you gave him the first time you met after you flipped. He rolled his eyes and kept walking. Peter stared at you the whole way back.

*back at the compound*

"First jumper!" Eric yelled. It made you jump. "In the ring. Last jumper. Time to fight." You and Molly got into the ring. You were short and fast and Molly was a lot taller.

"How long do we fight for?" Molly asks looking down at you and sneering.

"Until one of you can't continue."

"Or one of you concedes."

"According to the old rules. New rules, no one concedes."

"You really want to lose 'em on their first fight?"

"A brave man never surrenders."

"Lucky for you those weren't the rules when we fought to show the last lot how it was done." Eric ignored Four's comment.

"You'll be scored on this so fight hard. Go."

Molly advanced towards you and she threw a punch you ducked, when you came up again she caught the side of your face. You kicked her in the stomach but she grabbed you and kneed your face repeatedly. There was blood running like tears down your face. She kicked your ribs and you fell down. Another kick and you couldn't get up. A punch and you were out cold.

When you awoke they were showing the score board. Will was 8th, Christina was 17th, Daniel was 6th, Uriah 5th, Molly 9th, Tris 22nd, Peter 4th, Al 28th and you were 32nd. You looked and walked away ignoring Christina, Dan, Will and Tris as they yelled your name. Ignoring Peter as he asked if you could talk.

"I'm never going to make it."

"Yes you are."

"I'm the weakest one here."

"The you'll be most improved."

"You're Candor. Don't lie."

Will and Al began talking about if your family could take you back and Christina had enough.

"You know what, this is getting depressing. I know what we should do; get tattoos."

1193 words


I hope you liked that bit. Sorry that not all the dialogue is in here I just get a bit bored pausing the movie over and over again so I can type every last bit.

I gotta decide the tattoo for you my dear reader next and I'm a tiny bit stumped so sorry if it takes ages to upload the next bit.

Love Ocean

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