Chapter 17

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Darry Curtis POV

Pony boy came in running.

" Is Astrid home?" Pony boy says outta breath. I raise my eyebrow.

" Um, no she isn't. She's supposed to walk home with you." I say to him. Pony boy starts shaking his head.

" No, she wasn't at school apparently. I was walking to the spot we agreed to meet after school and I heard some students say how this kid told ask what happened to mom and dad, and then she ran off." Pony boy says. My eyes widen and I grab the phone and I call the gang.

" Come on Pony let's go and look for her." I say. He nods and goes outside. We meet up with everyone else.

" Ok, everyone look everywhere." I say. We split up. Soda and pony follow me.

" We screwed up..." Soda says while looking down and Pony looks down. I sigh.

" Ya we did." I said.

We walk down to the park and see a body against a tree.

" Astrid...." I say gently while patting her shoulder. She looks at me and glares and smacks my hand away. My mouth went dry.

" Leave me alone you all are liars. They told me the truth that my own family didn't. " she says while tearing up.

" I- we didn't know how to tell you. You were so young when they passed we just couldn't. I'm sorry A..." I say. She looks at me.

" I'm older now, you told pony. " she says angrily. I put my head down.

" Come home A..." Soda says.

" No." she says. The rest of the gang comes over. Johnny steps forward and sits down beside her. We all know Johnny is her best friend.

" I know your mad, sad, and confused but A they love you. We love you and we can't let you stay out here. Please come home." Johnny says softly. Astrid puts her head on his shoulder and starts crying . Johnny holds her close. I'm not sure what we would do without him.  Astrid stops crying and stands up and walks around Soda, Pony, and me. We slowly start to follow her home.

Astrid runs inside and slams the door shut. We flinch at the sound while we all look at each other.

A/N: please comment and let me know what y'all think

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