chapter 9

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* 1 month later*

I decided to finally come out of my room. Nobody is here though. At least I hope not

I dont really wanna see anybody. My hand still hurts and I am scared of going outside.

I'm never going outside again.

Its too dangerous.

It's all socs fault.

I can never be happy until mom can come home. I wonder when that will be.

* downstairs *

As I came downstairs Johnny was sitting down on the couch.

Just sitting there then he turns and looks at me and smiles.

" Astrid, you came down!"

I nod.

I wanna talk to him but then I'll cry.

I miss my Johnny.

I miss his jokes and laughs and smile.

But I then smile.

He smiles back.

I run over and hug him.

He hugs me back.

"I'm glad you came down. It's been a month."

" Me too " my voice I'd scratchy. He still hugs me and and keeps me in his arms. Like I may run away.

A/N: hope ya enjoy please comment!

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