chapter 11

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Astrids pov

I'm in the kitchen making cake. Everyone is gone besides Johnny and Dally. I guess they are babysitting me. But, they are both asleep and I'm very bored.

Those lazy bums.

As I'm making the cake it says to put in the ingredients as I do I put in more sugar than its supposed to. Who doesn't like sugar right ?

I put the batter into the pan and put it in the oven.

Yummy. I can't wait I want to eat it now but I'm not aloud to eat the raw batter. I got sick once. Darry then makes sure I never eat it again.

25 minutes later

The cake is finally done. I let it cool down for a while then I put frosting on the cake.

I look in the living room and see both johnny and Dally are still asleep so I take 2 scoops of frosting, that was left over, and smack it on there faces.

I start laughing!

" ASTRID!!!!" Dally and Johnny yelled

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