chapter 3

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Since I'm going to the park in a few minutes I'm going to bring snacks. Fruit snacks. Manly. They are delicious. Anyways the swings are my favorite. I love going up so high! Then falling down so low.

I hear something. It sounds like music. Ice cream music. I jump up and go through my bag. Hopefully I have a dollar. Somewhere. I keep looking. As the music gets closer I finally found one. Thank the ice cream gods.

As I run over to the truck I see Johnny. I smile and keep running. Me and him can share one. I'll get vanilla. We always get vanilla. We always share when he's around. I wonder where he gets all his bruises from. I ask Darry and he wont tell me. I'm not that little.

Suddenly, I hear a car screeching. I but my hands over my ears. That's how loud it was. I look over and see this very nice car following and honking at Johnny. I shrug and get my ice cream and went to walk over to him.

I hear a scream. I look over and see Johnny on the ground with scary guys punching him. I screamed and dropped my ice cream as the guys looked over at me.

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