12.Boracyk (Between Jobs)

Começar do início

    Ord Mantell, a planet in the galaxy's Mid Rim, dubbed as the capital of the Bright Jewel System.

The native species is the Mantellian Savrip, but now there's just about a little bit of everything, creating a population of around 4 billion.

In fact, so many species have migrated to the planet that no singular one added up to more than 5% of the population.

    The government was a little sketchy, the governors and representatives well aware of the illicit activities taking place, and they would turn a blind eye to them more often than not if you bribed them. They are also kind to bounty hunters, using them as a sort of free law enforcement.

    Malaina wasn't sure what to think of Ord Mantell. She stuck to the center of the squad, her hood over her head as they walked the scrappy streets of Ord Mantell City.

Malaina took notice of the low-level gambling going on in the dark alleys and undercover bars. Neon signs decorated the buildings, accompanied by vendors, apartments, parlors, and whatever else took occupation.

    "Remember the rules?" Hunter asks Omega, the two of them leading the squad through the streets in search of informant broker Cid's parlor.

    Omega counted on her fingers as she lifted off the rules the Sergeant had her rehearse. "Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad." She replies confidently.

    "And if you get into trouble?" Echo asks from Malaina's left. Tech was on the other side of her and Wrecker was behind her.

    "Use my comm and give my location." Omega responded.

    Malaina glanced up at a dirty neon yellow sign with red letters spelling out the name Cid with an apostrophe s in aurebesh. They had arrived.

    They all came to a halt at the steps that descended down to the parlor that was partly underground.
Judgment was heavy as they glanced around at the garbage filling the streets, the nasty dumpster sitting outside of the parlor, and the grime that covered just about everything.

    "This is the place." Echo announces, making his way to the front of the group.

    "Charming." Tech mutters, his voice entirely monotone.

    Malaina nodded. "Absolutely gorgeous." The sarcasm was strong in both of them.

    Following Echo down the steps, everyone stepped through the door that had just slid open.

Malaina and Omega were first to catch onto the unpleasant stench that doused the parlor. And the troopers made the mistake of removing their helmets and getting a big whiff.

Hunter just about turned green.

    Two sentients sat at a holochess table, deep into a competitive game and spitting arguments and insults while accusing the other of cheating.

    A Trandoshan was by the bar, sweeping the grimy floor that needed a whole lot more than a broom. Malaina wasn't even sure if a power wash would do the job. How many years of dirt coated just about everything in here?

    "Which one of them is Cid?" Hunter asked Echo.

    He shrugged. "I couldn't tell ya. I only heard about Cid. Never actually met him." Echo replied, nose wrinkled upon breathing a little too deeply.

    Tech looked past Malaina, over at Echo. "That would have been information to share earlier."

    Malaina blinked, looking between the three strangers. "Let's play eeny meeny miny moe and ask whoever ends up being moe."

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