Chapter 4

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           Leafpool stared at Bee with mixed feelings. She quickly put Jaykit down beside his siblings, flicking her tail. Finally, after thinking over her words, Leafpool said awkwardly, "Thank you for saving me and my kits... how can I repay you?"

           Bee let out a snort and lay own on the floor of the shed. "Please, I don't expect you to repay me. But we should probably wait a bit before going outside. So, I guess if you really want to repay me, you can share where your from," Bee purred, tilting her head in question to Leafpool to see if she would really tell her story.

           Leafpool gave a small nod and said to the kits, "Sit down next to Bee." She paused before continuing to make sure her kits were really sitting. Finally when all three were settled she continued, meowing, "Well my name is Leafpool. I had a mate called Crowfeather but he was hit by a monster on the thunderpath. Y'know those big clunky things with really bright eyes in the front that go on the hard, black, rocky surface? Well one hit him. These kits are mine and his. The golden one is Lionkit, the black one's Hollykit, and the blind gray tabby is Jaykit. They mean the world to me. We lived in a hollow in the forest but after Crowfeather died... I think I need help caring for the kits. So we're going to be kittypets."

           Bee seemed to think this over for a moment, her fluffy tail swaying in thought. Finally she gave a small shrug and said, "I'm not a kittypet but I could probably help you find a twoleg. After all I know a kittypet who lives near here. His name is Charlie. He told me his twolegs were looking for another cat so you and your kits might just be perfect." Bee looked at Leafpools kits with sympathy.

           Leafpool looked at Bee hopefully and meowed, "Can you show me where, er... Charlie? Yes where Charlie is. Can you show me?"

           Bee nodded and said, "Yeah sure. Want me to carry a kit?"

           Leafpool shook her head and said, "No thanks." Then she turned to the kits and said, "Kits come on, we're going somewhere." She then hurried over to Jaykit and whispered softly to him, 'I'm just going to carry you for a little more. Just, don't worry. I promise i'll make time for us all to rest and for you to stretch your legs, mk?" Jaykit didn't respond as Leafpool picked him up. Leafpool glanced at Bee. It was greenleaf and she wondered how Bee handled it with her thick fur. Leafpool snapped out of her thoughts to nudge her kits forward.

           Bee walked in front of the door and crouched down. Then, out of nowhere, she burst into a large leap. She slammed onto what looked like a silverish, wavy, stick. The wavy stick looked to be very dull however. Nevertheless when Bee landed on it, it dipped beneath her wait. The door was moved by her weight, or so Leafpool thought, as Bee jumped down again with a final push to open the door. "Come on," Bee said. The yellow she-cat didn't even look back as she slipped in between the newly made crack between the door and the rest of the shed.

           Leafpool and the kits moved after her and the group set off. Bee lead them through alleys, across fences, and over a few thunderpaths. They had some small chatter but not much. Finally Bee had them stop on top of one wall which was quite different from the wooden fences. It was made of something Bee called "brick" that was thicker than planks of wood. It was also taller than the wood. "Alright, this is his yard. Charlie!" Bee said before yelling at the end into the twoleg garden. Bee also motioned for the rest of the group to jump down into the garden as she did. Bee managed to ump all the way down without flinching, despite the height.

           Leafpool hesitated at the top of the brick wall. She didn't know where to jump. She didn't want Jaykit to get hurt because of the height. Finally she saw a rock that she was sure she could safely jump to. Leafpool jumped down first with Jaykit still in her jaws before she gave a small jump off the rock and finally she softly set him down. She then attempted to scramble back up, after jumping on the rock, but it wasn't very good to launch herself up. there was nothing to grip where the rock was. But a little ways down the wall, away from the rock, there were some small dents and holes in the rock where Leafpool thought she could climb up.  but the height of the wall made her slip again. She finally managed to dig her claws into holes in the brick before she was finally at the top. She grabbed the kit nearest to her which happened to be Hollykit.

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