Chapter 3

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           Leafpool woke later in the day with dread clawing at her belly. She had to start thinking about hers and the kits future. She and Crowfeather had never really left them alone. Even when Leafpool had had her recent vision and Crowfeathear was hunting, Leafpool knew he was probably only hunting at the entrance to the tunnel. But Leafpool couldn't always hunt at the entrance of the tunnel. That would scare prey away. And now Leafpool didn't feel comfortable leaving her kits alone.

           After the kits had sneaked out Leafpool hardly trusted them to be alone. I wish we were still in a clan, Leafpool thought with an irritated sigh. She needed someone to watch her kits. Or maybe should could teach them to hunt. They could come with her while she hunted, but they might scare off prey. And they're not even six moons. But she wanted to respect the clan policies, even if they weren't in a clan. So no hunting until they were six moons old.

           Suddenly a thought came to Leafpool. Not a good one. She tried to push it away but it sorta made sense. What if they became... kittypets? She felt bile rise in her throat. In ThunderClan, and all the clans actually, kittypets were never fully respected. Yet, if she and the kits became kittypets for a while, she wouldn't have to worry about them being alone. And Leafpool knew some kittypets were allowed out, so she could still bring her kits real prey. And they wouldn't stay kittypets, when Leafpool had a better idea what to do. She made up her mind right there. She would tell the kits tomorrow.

           The day passed and the next morning Leafpool brought the kits outside the den to tell them the news.

           "What's the news?" Hollykit asked. She had already sat down to stare at Leafpool.

           Leafpool waited until Jaykit and Lionkit has sat down before she said quietly, "After the death of your father, I had to think. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but since you snuck out, I don't trust I can leave you alone. And I would need to hunt. But because of you sneaking out, I don't fully trust you coming to hunt with me. And I can't keep hunting near the entrance of the tunnel, because that would scare prey away. So I have an idea... only a temporary fix. For a while, I am going to take us to twolegplace. We're going to become kittypets so there's always someone to watch you."

           "What!?" screamed Jaykit. He was bristling with fury. "I will not become a kittypet! No way!" he spat.

           Leafpool hissed back, "That's to bad. What happened happened. And what's going to happen is going to happen. I'm going to hunt for us all and you better stay still. When I get back we eat then head off to twoleg place. Alright?"

           Jaykits face contorted into a disgusted expression. His blind eyes seemed to be shining with a fiery anger. He turned and padded away without a word.

           Lionkit cast Leafpool a frustrated glance but gave a small sigh and nodded.

           Hollykit dipped her head in acknowledgement but as she padded away she raked her claws across a small stone. Leafpools kit watched the stone roll away, before she bounded down the tunnel to join her brothers.

           Leafpool hunted without much enthusiasm. She caught a vole for her, and a mouse for each of the kits. When she got back they were waiting at the entrance. Her kits turned to stare, even Jaykit, as Leafpool padded up. She dropped the prey and said with a small sigh, "Alright, eat up."

           Leafpool noticed as the kits slowly and deliberately poked at their food. They all took small bites, but eventually finished.

           Leafpool slowly got up, stretching as she stifled a sad sigh. She went over to the kits and picked up Jaykit by his scruff. She mumbled around his fur to the kits, "Come on. We're leaving. Now."

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