Chapter 29 White Moonlight

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Lu Mingxu wasn't quite used to the sudden sensation. He smiled and took Xie Randeng back home, and put the roast chicken in his hand on the table.

"For the first day's wages, I'll buy you something delicious. After that, we'll save money together and repair our home." Lu Mingxu gave Xie Randeng a chicken leg to eat, while talking about the plan in his heart, Xie Randeng His heart was warm. When he went out and waited for Lu Mingxu to come back, he had already cooked the white porridge. Now he eats it with roast chicken, which is even more delicious. Counting it... This seems to be the first time Xie Randeng has eaten since he married Lu Mingxu. to such a good meal.

Xie Randeng ate with his head down, but he was very satisfied that way. Lu Mingxu only ate some places with little meat, and most of them were given to Xie Randeng, and Xie Randeng had already filled a full bowl for Lu Mingxu. Bowl of porridge, two people miss each other, very warm.

After dinner, Lu Mingxu originally wanted to wash the dishes, but Xie Randeng refused to let him do it, so Lu Mingxu had no choice but to let go and talk with Xie Randeng.

"What did you do at home during the day?" Lu Mingxu just wanted to know what Xie Randeng did at home, and wanted to know that he was always bored. Who knew that Xie Randeng would feel a little embarrassed and entangled when he heard this sentence. He hesitated and didn't know how to say it.

Lu Mingxu was not in a hurry, and waited for Xie Randeng to finish washing the dishes before coming over and taking him to the house to do it. He found a few pens and papers and began to write his unfinished medical book, and listened to Xie Randeng's talk by the way.

Xie Randeng sat under the candlelight, the dim and flickering candlelight illuminated him extraordinarily tenderly, and he fell into memories: "Today... the morning husband... After leaving, our village chief... the village chief's...husband Zhao Qing is here..."

Zhao Qing? Lu Mingxu quickly searched for the memory of this person in his mind, but in a short while he grasped what he wanted among the large pieces of information.

Zhao Qing is a pitiful person. If the head of Jianjia Village can speak with reason, then the head of Yinquan Village seems to be throwing away the shopkeeper.

He didn't care much about the affairs of the village at all. He wanted to know that the village chief had always had Bai Yueguang in his heart for some years, but he didn't marry him for some reason, but Zhao Qing...had the same look as that Bai Yueguang. look alike.

Well, stand-in literature. Lu Mingxu touched his chin, then listened to Xie Randeng.

"Usually he and I... are not... close, but I don't know why... I heard that my husband and I came back from...Jian's Village together. His stomach is full... and he also wants to see me and say something... ... Strange words." Xie Randeng was struggling to say this, Lu Mingxu poured him a glass of water, Xie Randeng drank it gratefully, and then continued.

"He said... I'm blessed... my husband loves me... unlike him... wants serve my husband well...or someday... my husband won't want me..." Lu Mingxu only now understood why Xie Randeng behaved like this suddenly, Still coming to the village entrance to wait for him, it turned out that there was also an external force intervening.

Xie Randeng seemed to be under a lot of pressure after saying this, but when he raised his head and saw Lu Mingxu's gentle eyes, he smiled again: "But... Don't worry, my husband... I... I already know your husband's intentions... No Will be too affected by his words..."

Lu Mingxu's heart suddenly softened, but what is this Zhao Qing's intention? Lu Mingxu frowned deeply, he didn't want to continue to mention Zhao Qing in front of Xie Randeng, so he smiled and asked him to tell him what he had seen and heard all day.

Time always flies by quickly, after a while it was already late at night, considering that tomorrow is the day when he will officially become a sophomore, Lu Mingxu chooses to simply wash up and then drags Xie Randeng to bed.

It's just that Lu Mingxu kept frowning tightly, and there was no relaxed expression on that handsome face. It was really a wave of unrest and another wave. Before he could calm down the mood of his old man, he killed a ticking time bomb halfway.

Lu Mingxu was thinking in his heart that sooner or later he would have to talk to Zhao Qinghe, the head of Yinquan Village. Almost all the surrounding villages and towns are named after the same surname, only Yinquan Village is different...

This is also a puzzle.

The next morning, Lu Mingxu woke up earlier than Xie Randeng. He sat up lightly, while Xie Randeng next to him was still sleeping soundly, his brows were slightly frowned, he didn't know if there was something bothering him in his dream , Lu Mingxu gently tapped the tip of Xie Randeng's nose, and wrapped himself tightly with a faint smile. Seeing that it was still early, he went to the kitchen to cook porridge. This time there was finally rice in the rice tank. Xie Randeng used the least amount of rice yesterday. The money bought a lot of surplus food for the family.

And the remaining copper coins were still properly put away. Lu Mingxu nodded. Although he didn't know how to cook, he still knew how to make simple porridge and noodles. What else could a countryman have for breakfast? It's just a bowl of porridge with a few pieces of pickles. Lu Mingxu didn't find pickles at home. He guessed that he had never had the habit of eating this, but drinking only porridge didn't taste good, so Lu Mingxu kept it in his heart. Time to buy.

It was the first time for Lu Mingxu to use a big pot like the one in the countryside. Although it was inconvenient to start a fire, it was lit anyway. After a while, the smoke from cooking slowly wafted out along with the aroma of porridge. Lu Mingxu stood at the kitchen door and looked out. At this time, every household also raised the curling smoke, and everyone was going to have breakfast.

Lu Mingxu was just about to turn around and go back to the kitchen, but he saw Xie Randeng standing at the door rubbing his eyes. Seeing Lu Mingxu in the kitchen, he hurried over and hugged Lu Mingxu's waist, leaning his face on Lu Mingxu's back.

His tone was a bit soft, and Lu Mingxu's heart seemed to be filled instantly: "What's the matter?" This seemed to be the first time Xie Randeng hugged him actively, and this little husband actually started to know how to express himself?

Xie Randeng tightened his arms around Lu Mingxu's waist, a little at a loss: "I thought...husband...husband is gone..."

Lu Mingxu turned around and rubbed Xie Randeng's head. It's useless to take it away, just let Xie Randeng hold it.

"The porridge is ready, come and eat quickly." Lu Mingxu was serving the porridge, Xie Randeng was standing beside him carrying the rice porridge to the main room, when Lu Mingxu was wiping his hands and preparing to go back to eat with Xie Randeng, the door... ...No, to be precise, there was a loud noise coming from the street...

"My child, my child..." The heart-piercing noises caught Lu Mingxu's ears again and again, and he frowned and pushed open the door to look out , a man was lying on the ground clutching his stomach, the soil was covered in blood.

And there were so many people standing beside them, all whispering: "Why doesn't the village chief even want a child..."

"This, this, this..."

Village chief? Lu Mingxu seemed to understand something, didn't Xie Randeng say yesterday that Zhao Qing came with a big belly? No child today? Lu Mingxu didn't want to step forward to meddle in other people's affairs. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the child is definitely gone, and the adults will not be in any danger, and there is no need to do anything by himself.

"Husband... this is... Zhao Qing?" Xie Randeng ran out, looking at the crowd outside, a little worried, but this time, Xie Randeng will never let his husband fall into danger and embarrassment again, he doesn't want to Let your husband save others.

Lu Mingxu took Xie Randeng back with him, eating was the most important thing, these outside matters had nothing to do with him.

Xie Randeng nodded obediently. After the two of them went back to have breakfast, Lu Mingxu was about to go to work. At this time, not only did the matter not be resolved on the street, but more and more people surrounded him. A man in a black gown stood Among the crowd, Zhao Qing was still pulling the corner of his clothes.

Presumably... that man is the village chief, Quan Zhen.

Lu Mingxu walked past such a group of people with a cold face, his ears filled with many speculations about this matter, but most of them still felt it was a pity, Lu Mingxu didn't want to listen any more, and continued walking with a limp.

Although I got up earlier today, I arrived a little late. Since there was no stipulated time to arrive, Jian Xingan didn't say anything about him. Instead, he came over and patted him on the shoulder: "I heard that your villager The village chief is making trouble again, and killed Fu Lang's child with his own hands?"

It seems that the power of gossip should not be underestimated, and the ancient times, where news is blocked, can find out about this so quickly.

Jian Xingan shook his head regretfully: "Anyone in the family who is pregnant and does not confess is your village head, who has always pretended to be someone else in his heart, and has never cared about his husband." Lu Mingxu didn't particularly care about it at first, but until this

moment , and also really wanted to know the background of that Bai Yueguang, Jian Xingan saw that Lu Mingxu had a heart for gossip, so he started to talk about it.

"The person in the village chief's heart is a person in the spring building. At that time, regardless of everyone's opposition, he wanted to redeem him... But then he ran away, leaving only Quan Zhen secretly sad. I thought he would never marry in his life, but who knew that after marrying Zhao Qing and the one who came out of Chunlou, Quan Zhen was moved to take him back and raise him, but he was never allowed to have a child." Jian Xing'an said while saying Shaking his head, he looked very sorry.

This is simply basing one's own sorrow on others... Lu Mingxu was also silent, he couldn't let Zhao Qing and Xie Randeng have more contact!

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