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     Rin felt furious, some of his flames slowly showed. Eddie held Rin close.

    "I'd understand his attachment issues, but have you considered that he had no one there to protect him? Granted he hung out at Mrs. Chen's, and they're practically like best friends, but no one was there to help guide him through life, to tell him right from wrong. No, he was abused, he was starved, neglected, no love at all. And I guess when I up and adopted him, granted Mrs. Chen asked me to, I adopted him, showed him kindness, fed him even tho he does half of the cooking, but that is not the point. I showed him kindness, love, and gave him everything so far of what he was neglected of. So of course he's gonna hold on tightly to me, not wanting to let go. His attachment issues are a trauma response, not cause he's dependent. It's a fucking trauma response" Eddie took a deep breath after he spoke.

    Everyone was silent. Rin was shocked most of all. He... Hadn't thought about that. Rin knew he had attachment issues, but he didn't think of it like that... What a surprise....


      Eddie glared at Shiro.

    "You know nothing of what he's been through, granted I don't know, the only person who really knows is Rin himself. So don't you dare blame him, or call him 'too dependent' for something that was done to him, you. Don't have that right" Eddie spat to him.

    Shiro was surprised, Rin smiled at Eddie. It seemed.... That Eddie here knew more about Rin than Rin himself... Shiro sighed in defeat. He stood up.

    "So be it then. If Rin disagrees to learn to control his flames, then, I trust that you'll keep his emotions in check, the easiest way to control his flames is to focus only on one thing to set on fire. I'll give him 6 months to master it, if not, I can't promise that Rin will be safe" Shiro said.

    Everyone was shocked, including Yukio himself. Yukio stood up.

    "What do you mean?" Yukio asked.

    Shiro looked pained "The... Vatican (I don't know if that is what they are called in the manga/anime but I think is is it, if i'm wrong, please correct me), knows about Rin being the son of Satan, and had me look for him as I was the one who adopted him. Once I sealed Rin's demonic powers, the Vatican had a talisman to know if he'd ever awaken it or not. And if Rin did, they gave him a time limit" Shiro said.

     "What happens if I manage to control it?" Rin asked.

    "One of two things, one is that the Vatican will send someone to get you, and the Vatican will use you to defeat Satan, or they will leave you alone, and if you step out of line, they'll lock you up" Shiro said.

    Rin shivered "And if I don't?" Rin felt almost nauseous. 

   "They'll execute you" Shiro said.

    Rin ran off and vomited in the toilet, Eddie's face paled, and Yukio looked angered.

    "What? He's just a kid!" Eddie shouted.

    Shiro shook his head "If it was my way, I'd leave him alone or give him more time, but above me is the Vatican, and what they say is absolute" Shiro said. 

    Eddie glared at them, and ran off to see if Rin was okay-of course he wasn't! What he basically heard was:

   "You have six months to control your awakened powers. If you fail, you die"

    Shiro and Yukio waited in the dining room for either Rin or Eddie. Eddie walked in the bathroom to see Rin curled up in the corner, trembling violently, and breathing heavily.

A New kind of dangerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ