Bed Gremlin

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Here is a note from 2023 April 12.

I sleep with my dog, and I can't get over what happened last night. She was just tucking and folding the blanket to make it more comfortable, and her movement woke me up a little bit. I lifted my head to make sure wasn't licking her vagina, and I was frightened by this a little monster lurking by my feet. I thought this was some fucking Spiderwick Chronicles demon Gremlin creature, and I was TERRIFIED. I screamed really loud, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" and jumped back, ready to stomp the little fucker. My dog launched into the air in fright and then cuddled up by me, whining in fear as she had thought I was asleep until I rose from the dead and unleashed a scream of pure terror. I felt so bad as I woke up more and realized that there was no monster, just an awkwardly folded corner of the blanket. I felt so bad and apologized to her, but even worse, I sleepily typed up an apology to my apartment for the screaming at 2am. 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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