Tangle & Whisper Issue #3: The Truth

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Gotuce: I feel like I'm improving a lot more.

Gohan: Well that's good to know.

Chi Chi finishes cooking and sets it all on the table.

Chi Chi: Dinner is served!

Everyone digs in but then stop when Goku suddenly gets up.

Chi Chi: Goku, Is something wrong?

Goku: What......What is this feeling?

Gohan: Dad?

Goten: Daddy are you okay?

Goku runs outside as well as the others.

Everyone sees a hooded figure hovering in the air.

Goku: Who are you!?

Hooded Figure: Hmm, so it seems that there is someone strong here.

Goku then sense a ki coming here fast.

Vegeta lands next to Goku.

Vegeta: What did you do now, Kakarot!

Goku: I don't know, but this guy appeared out of nowhere, Vegeta!

Vegeta: Tch! Whatever, I'll just end this trivial matter!

Vegeta: Big Bang Attack!

Vegeta sends it to the figure as it explodes on impact but is unphased.

Vegeta: What the!?

All of the Z-Fighters arrive and see what happens.

Goku and Vegeta burst into Super Saiyan 2 and charge to the figure.

Piccolo does so as well with Gohan bursting into Ultimate form.

The rest support from a distance with ki blasts but no matter how much power in fighting, the figure is still unphased.

Hooded Figure: Tch, I was hoping for a better fight. Oh well I'll just erase this pathetic universe.

The figure charges a purple ki blast and aims it to everyone but Gotuce is the one to charge.

Gotuce: NOOO!!!!!

Gotuce with all his might punches them in the face making them recoil.

Hooded Figure tanks it and back hands Gotuce to a mountain wall.

Hooded Figure: I....I felt that.

He said it with a malicious grin before looking at Gotuce.

Hooded Figure: You've got guts to punch me and recoil so I'll let you live so that we can have a rematch but as for this universe.

He let's the blast go and it hits the earth as everything and everyone begins to dust away in little particles.

Gotuce sees this as the Z- Fighters are quickly erased as well as the ground they were standing.

Vegeta looks at Goku and then at the ground before thinking on what he had accomplished and accepting his fate.

Goku rushes over to his family as he hugs them but Gotuce couldn't reach them as he was too deep into the mountain.

With that, he sees them dust away and erased from existence as well as everything.

Gotuce is then seen floating in a void with crystals around before he regains consciousness and remembers what had happened.

Gotuce is then seen floating in a void with crystals around before he regains consciousness and remembers what had happened

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Gotuce then begins to sob uncontrollably before a someone teleport in.

Gotuce looks at who it was.

It was Trunks.

Trunks let's his hand forward as a sign to Gotuce and he takes it.

It then begins to show time moving forward fast as it shows Gotuce entering the Time Patrol, meeting with Supreme Kai and Elder Kei, further training more and more everyday until he had unlocked Super Saiyan then Super Saiyan 2 and so fort up to the God forms. It then shows Gotuce forming a team of his own. Meeting different version of his father and Vegeta as well as one version accepting him as his own son which Gotuce glady accepts. Finally it shows what had happened before coming to Mobius and it finally stops before the beam of light retracts.

Gotuce puts away the scouter as he sees Table and Whisper up in tears.

Gotuce puts away the scouter as he sees Table and Whisper up in tears

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Gotuce: After I saw what Mimic had been doing, it reminded me so much of what I lost and I began to lose it

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Gotuce: After I saw what Mimic had been doing, it reminded me so much of what I lost and I began to lose it. Which is why we are going to stop him permanently.

Tangle and Whisper dry their tears.

Whisper: 'He nearly destroyed us tonight.'

Tangle: Well....yeah.

Gotuce: Which means he gets double the payback! Well bring him down and make him regret everything he's ever done!

Gotuce: Now we know how he works first hand! So he won't trick me again.

Tangle: Neither will me!

Gotuce: He won't stand a chance when we meet him again!

Whisper: 'Heh. You witnessed be discouraged can you?'

Gotuce looks at them and they looks back at him before Gotuce hugs them.

Gotuce: Thank you.

Tangle and Whisper smile as they let embrace in.

They all let go.

Whisper: 'The trial is cold. It will take a while to find him.'

Tangle: Maybe not. Mimic already got us once. Eggman will demand solid proof. This means Mimic will come back-

Gotuce: and we'll give him a taste of his own medicine.

All three smile at each other as they begin to discuss a plan.

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