i hate her (i absolutely don't)

Start from the beginning

I grab my bag and get to the gym. We get to know with who we room at 4 and it's now 2.45. enough time for a work-out.

Normally i would get a ball and get out kn the field, but when we're on camp we're not allowed to train by ourselves. Except if you have asked sarina or a trainer. But i just want to lose my thoughts right now. Not wanting to wait until sarina's available.

I pop in my airpods and put my music on the hardest. I can't hear anything except the music.

I work out my arms and my abs, not wanting to do my legs because I don't want them to be sore in training.

I think about 45 minutes have passen i suddenly see a girl sitting on the bench, no, the girl.

For how long has she been there?

I turn off my airpods and  stop what I'm doing.

Lucy- keira

Keira- i-

Lucy- keira.

Keira- What? Tell me lucy. Tell me. I can't do this anymore. Why are you ignoring me? Not only here. At city to. Why?. Do you suddenly hate me or something? I don't get it. Tell me please, what did i do wrong? I just can't do this anymore. Please.

She doesn't sound mad, she sounds desperate.

Lucy- I'm sorry, I just....

Keira- just what lucy?

But now she sounds more angry.

Keira- please tell me. If i need to change, I'll do it. Just tell me.

Now she sounds sad.

I can't do this.

Lucy- okay keira. I can't do this either. I can't talk about this. Not with you. It's not like i don't want to. I can't. Because it will destroy me. It will destroy us.

Keira- us?

And that's it. That my breaking point. I can't. I burst out in tears and run away. Again.

It's a little bit before 4 so i just get myself to the meeting. I am the first so i have some time to wipe away my tears.

Because nobody is here i decide to quickly change into another shirt.

I pull of my sweaty work out shirt and grab a hoody out of my bag.

Oh shit, i forgot an extra hoodie.

And at exactly that moment she walks in. Of course at that exact moment. When I'm sitting in my sports bra. My abs really flexing because i just worked them out and all sweaty arms.

Keira- wow i uhm i mean you look uhm good.

Lucy- well uhm i, thank you i guess

She sits down not to far away from me but not next to me.

We sit like that for a couple more minutes while i try to find something i can wear.

I quietly swear at myself for not bringing a hoody when something is thrown at me.

I look up and see a red hoody laying Infront of me. Her hoodie.

Keira- take it. I don't need it that much. Although i would much rather see you without it.

Was she flirting with me? No. It can't be. She's straight lucy. She's straight.

Before i could properly response the rest of the team walked in.

I could see on some of their faces that they want to make a comment on me wearing keira her hoodie but sarina saved me by telling everyone to sit down and listenen to her.

Sarina- okay guys like i said last camp. Don't complain about your roommate. We're all friends here. All the roommates are the same from last camp.

Yes that meant i was steph. Normally i would want to be with Keira. But now i just can't handle that.

Sarina- oh I'm sorry there is kne Change. I switched keira with Steph because of personal reasons.

What? I'm gonna kill Georgia. Ahy did she do this?

The meeting is over rather quickly and after u immediately walk up to steph

Lucy- why did you do this.

Steph- you two need to sort this out. It's affecting her lucy. You're hurting her. You'll need to tell her how you feel.

Lucy- no, i- i can't. I'll ruin us.

Steph- trust me. You won't.

Lucy- what do you mean?

Steph- you know damn well what I'm trying to say. Go luce, tell her. You can do this.

I infact did knkw what she was trying to say. I just won't believe it. But alright. I'll tell her.


I open the door and i see her sitting on the edge of her bed with her hands in her hair.

Lucy- kei

Keira- just tell me.

Lucy- okay kei I've-

Keira- no wait i know. I can't hear you say it. I hope you are happy with her but i just need this of my chest and i hope you want to be friends after. I like you, i have liked you for a really long time now and i thought you liked me too but then you became so distant and then suddenly you never had time to meet up. It broke me honestly. I felt like i lost you and then earlier this week i saw some news post about you and her and that i put the pieces together. I really hope you'll be happy with her. And it's selfish of me to day this i know, but if you ever need someone to really love you. I'm here. I always be. I will always love you luce. I just want you to be happy. And if that's with her. I'll need to learn to accept that.

Who is she talking about?

Lucy- no, kei, I'm not dating anyone.

Keira- you're not?

Lucy- no kei, i like you to, that's what i was gonna say. I love you. More than anything. But i thought you didn't like me, that you didn't like girls at all. So i told myself that i had no chance. That's why i distanced myself. I protected myself and us. Our friendship is worth more than anything to me.

Keira- what if i don't want to friends.

Lucy- wha- i thought you just said that you

My eyes begin to tear up. Was she playing with me?

Keira- oh you dimbo

She gets up and cups my face with her hand. She then slowly pull me down to her lips. When our lips touch i can't help but smile.

Keira- i meant-

Lucy- no wait I'll have to break up with my girlfriend before you ask

Keira- oh you are such an idiot.

Lucy- I'm your idiot

Keira- you absolutely are.

Lucy- i love you kei (i absolutely do)

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