Angry secrets

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Throne of Glass
Dorian x Chaol
word count: 909

The second he sat down at the table Chaol regretted that he had agreed to meet up with his father. He had the same judgmental look on his face like he always had had when Chaol was still a kid. And even though he was 25 now, his dad still tried to control him like he had with that little boy. He never forgave his son for leaving the family behind to serve the king. And Chaol couldn't care less. At least that's what he liked to tell himself.

His dad was abusive and always tried to push Chaol into a life he simply was not fit for. Even though Chaol didn't really care anymore it hurt him somewhere deep down inside of him when his dad judged him. He had never been good enough so it didn't come as a surprise that even after all those years and after everything Chaol had achieved his dad wasn't satisfied. And even though Chaol would never admit that, he really yearned for his father's approval and pride of him for once.

"So, have you at least finally found a wife?"

Of course those had to be Lord Westfall's first words. Chaol sighed, slicing a potato in half, trying to distract himself with food.

"Do you see one on my side? Or perhaps a ring on my finger?" Chaol asked sarcastically. Grimly, Lord Westfall starred at his son: "No."

An awkward silence fell between father and son and for a brief moment Chaol allowed himself to think about Dorian. Obviously, they could never date openly and sooner or later the crown prince would have to marry someone, a woman. Their relationship had no future and the fact that Dorian returned his feelings made everything just even more complicated and painful.

And yet Chaol couldn't stop himself from imagining a future with the crown prince. A future where he could return his father's look and answer his question, that he had found someone, Dorian, and that they would marry and spent the rest of their lives together, fighting side by side, ruling Adarlan together. If Chaol could he would kill everyone in the world just for a future with Dorian.

"I don't think I need to tell you that you're going to marry royal. Don't you even dare to marry some handmaid." Lord Westfall said, not even really looking at Chaol.

It took everything in Chaol not to start laughing. Oh if only he knew. If he could, he would marry royal, just not the way his father intended him to.

"I'm going to marry whoever the fuck I fall in love with! Royal, handmaid or slave!" "Don't be ridiculous, Chaol! You wouldn't dare."

Now Chaol actually did laugh, letting the silverware fall back onto the table. "Oh right, the same way I didn't dare to leave everything behind to become Captain of the Royal Guard?" "Don't overdo it! You damn well know that you can't serve forever; you'll become too old for this kind of work and the King will replace you without even blinking. We both know you'll come crawling back, begging for money then!"

Chaol knew it was a lie. He knew Dorian would make sure of that personally. And he also knew that Dorian would forever give Chaol all the money in the world. He would never be dependent on his parents again, just as he had sworn. Still, hearing his father's words filled Chaol with rage.

So much rage that he was no longer able to control himself. So the next moment the knife thhat had been lying next to him stuck in the table.

"YOU DON'T GET TO VISIT ME IN MY CASTLE AND WASTE MY TIME LIKE THIS!" Lord Westfall could only laugh at this: "Your castle? What's next? You're going to start crying and tell me how you fuck the king himself?!"

Chaol could no longer bare it, even though he knew it would give his father a feeling of control, like he won, he stormed off. Enough was enough. If he had to spent two more seconds with that man he was going to loose.

Not even bothering trying to hide it Chaol stormed of to Dorian's chambers, cheeks wet with tears.

When he rushed through the door Dorian was sitting at his desk, nose buried in one of his many books. But the second he noticed the Captain he let the book fall to the floor.

"Oh Darling, what happened?"

Within seconds Dorian had reached him, cupping Chaol's cheeks, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Chaol didn't answer but it wasn't necessary. Dorian had known about the meeting with his dad and had already been prepared for it to go horribly. What he hadn't expected though was Chaol crying, burying his face in Dorian's chest.

Lovingly, Dorian stroked his neck, mumbling some comforting words and kissing the top of his boyfriend's head now and then. Chaol had never been one to talk about his feelings, at least not his dark ones, and Dorian would never push him and even though he couldn't always be there for Chaol the way he would like to, since they had to make sure that under all circumstances their relationship was totally secret, he would always be there and hold him through the bad times, embracing him in those big hugs he knew Chaol loved so much.

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