I had gotten to the top of the wall, and stood proudly. "I can't believe I got up here!"

"I thought you said this was the easiest thing you climbed today?" Optimus inquired, starting to walk out of the mining site.

"Okay, maybe I lied to sound more impressive, sue me."

Our banter continued, and I even invited Arcee into the conversation several times as we continued patrol.

School was getting out soon for the kids, and Arcee had to go pick up Jack. We were driving down an empty highway, presumably abandoned. Arcee had Ratchet open a portal in front of them. They both stopped in front of the portal. Arcee spoke.

"You going back Optimus? I have to go pick up Jack."

Optimus held back. "In a little bit. There's something else I have to do today."

Ratchet spoke over the comm link. "Just say when you need a bridge Prime."

"Will do Ratchet."

Arcee drove off into the portal, leaving me and Prime again. As the portal closed, OP went on driving.

"You hungry?"

I let out an audible breath. "All that rock climbing has tuckered me out, so yes, very."

"Pick a place near us and I'll take you there." Optimus offered.

"Aw, really? That's very kind of you to offer. "


Back at base, Ratchet was spying on OP's comm link, wondering what he was up to.

OP and I were on a main road now.

Arcee drove into the base, Jack riding with her. The others were not far behind. Jack got off Acree as she noticed what Ratchet was doing.

"Ratchet, why are you listening in to Optimus' com?"

Ratchet just voiced his thoughts. "You've noticed this too right? How Optimus and (y/n) have been acting?"

Jack took off his helmet as Arcee transformed and walked over to Ratchet. Jack was slightly intrigued.

"Why do you say so?"

Arcee elaborated. "They've been spending an awful lot amount of time together."

Ratchet pointed something else out as Bulkhead and Bumblebee rolled in. "And Prime has been a lot less-stoic around her."

Bulkhead spoke as he let Miko out. "Which is kinda a big deal."

Miko and Ralph came to stand next to Jack. Miko decided to talk.

"Okay, so? (Y/n)'s managed to get Optimus to relax a little, I don't see anything wrong with that."

Ratchet pressed on the facts, glancing behind him to the others. "I don't think you understand what's being implied here."

Bulkhead was shocked at his statement. "Whoa, wait a second Doc, you're not trying to claim that-"

Bumblebee made loud beeps and boops of surprise. Ralph gasped in response. "What?!"

"Ratchet you can't be serious." Arcee couldn't believe it either.

"Arcee, how did those two interact while you and Prime were patrolling?"

Arcee thought about it.

"Well.. they did share a few inside jokes, and Optimus gave a few big smiles.. including when saying that it was the least he could do for her, also that bringing her was his idea..."

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