Takashi Naito, Replicant
Mari Naito, Arcana
William Arthurson, Dead-Eye
Bernadette Arthurson, Harmonia
Kenji Shun, ThunderFist

They were the members of the Protectors of the Light.

She went on to introduce the Protectors of the Light, a group of five superheroes who were widely regarded as the best during the 1970s.

As Hiro absorbed this information, he realized that over thirty years had passed since then. He muttered to himself, "The 1970s—that was like thirty years ago."

"I will be covering everything about the Protectors of the Light, including their life story, how the group was formed, and the significant events that occurred during their time as heroes," Ms. Ivanov continued.

"These are merely a few of the more recent historical events that come to mind. Throughout the duration of this course, we will delve into various other topics, including the origins of the world, how the term syndrome came to be for the mutants, the evolution of Varunton as a city, and the significant events that have shaped its existence. I am thrilled to impart the rich history of our world and city to all of you, and I hope you will find the learning process as enjoyable as I find teaching it." Ms. Ivanov introduced the subjects she would be covering in the class.

She outlined her expectations for the students, allowing them to express their own expectations of her and the subject.

Subsequently, each student introduced themselves, and Ms. Ivanov requested that they rate their proficiency in history. After approximately an hour, she concluded the orientation, reiterating the importance of studying history and comprehending its ongoing evolution.

"Remember, my dear students," she said before the bell rang. "History is not solely a subject confined to the confines of our classrooms. It serves as a means to understand our past, our present actions, and lay the foundation for our future. I look forward to engaging in discussions about this fascinating subject with all of you throughout the year." As the bell chimed, she bid her farewells and left the class to prepare for their next orientation.


Hiro Naito (Classroom)

As Hiro waited for the next teacher to arrive, he was immediately struck by the overwhelming noise that engulfed the classroom. The constant chatter of students created a loud buzz that seemed to reverberate through his entire body. Hiro found the atmosphere unpleasant, akin to a swarm of bees buzzing in his ears. The noise emanated from every corner of the room, with some students leaning across desks to share secrets while others laughed loudly and shouted across the space.

Unable to tolerate the noise any longer, Hiro couldn't help but shout, "Could you all please quiet down!?" His outburst instantly silenced the entire class.

Timothy, looking at Hiro sternly, questioned, "What's your issue?" He hates this kind of person who thinks everything goes their way.

Responding aggressively, Hiro retorted, "Every one of you is being so loud! Your voices are distracting me."

Timothy was irritated by Hiro's words and retorted back, "Hiro, why are you so tense? Lighten up a bit. It's not like we're facing an apocalypse today."

"That's not the point, Timothy. We're here to learn, not socialize. How are we supposed to absorb anything with all this noise?" Hiro shot back.

Before Timothy could confront Hiro further, an unfamiliar teacher entered the classroom and walked to the front of the room. Addressing the class, the teacher advised, "Let's try to stay calm. Getting worked up won't help us find a solution to the issue at hand."

Heroes' Odyssey: VaruntonWhere stories live. Discover now