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When Ichigo came to he was greeted with an ever welcome clam of silence. As he laid there basking in the calm, he tried to recall what had happened.

He remembered attending the Funeral for all those who perished in the Thousand Year Blood War. A name coined by Urahara.

There were many casualties, lots of lives were lost both allies and enemies alike, including Old man Yama aka former Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Squads and His Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe, Captain Unohana and Mayuri's lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi.

There were also casualties from Quincy side but he hardly knew any of them.

All because of Yhwach's desire for more Power and some dream for an ideal world.

He truly must have thought himself to be a god.

Even the Quincy were deceived by him in the name of Revenge, after all what the Shinigami had done to them was pure evil, if he was in their place he may have joined the Quincy, no, he wouldn't, Taking revenge of slaughter with more slaughter was not how he did things.

Then he returned home feeling more tired than ever before, must have bee the accumulation of all the stress he felt during Training and the War.

He slept for a while before the Disastrous Headache assaulted him and then there was that Vomiting.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!?"

As he was vomiting he felt someone rubbing his back and massaging his head. Oh that Head-Massage was a god sent, it seemed like his head would burst open if not for that.

Then, he realized that it was his father who was helping him. Yuzu must have told him.

Ah, it was indeed Yuzu he saw at that time.

"Oh F*ck!, what kind of big brother worries his little sister."

It was more of a self depreciating statement rather than a question.

"Hmm.. What happened after Vomiting?" He tried to recall.

He remembered washing his mouth and eating some chocolate offered by Goat-chin to clear that unpleasant aftertaste in his mouth, then he ate a few pills Goat-face gave him and crashed on the Couch.

Oh, Yeah Goat chin was saying something the entire time as well but he didn't remember what.

And Was it just him or Yuzu and Dad seemed younger?

'Wait.. Wait ... Wait...'

'He Crashed on the Couch'. This didn't feel like the couch at all. As Ichigo stood up and opened his eyes he realized that he wasn't anywhere or rather he was in a void.

Everything around him was pitch black emptiness.

"F*ck! what the hell?!" Was he kidnapped? Is it an enemy? Why always him-

Ichigo's line of thought abruptly stopped by the fact that the entire world seemed to erupt in a golden light.

As Ichigo rubbed his eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness, His eyes couldn't help but widen at the sight which was infront of his eyes.


He couldn't believe his own eyes and wondered if it was a dream or did Yhwach's plan succeed? or Did Aizen escape and put him in an Illusion.

"No! No! Let's Calm Down and think first" Ichigo said aloud as he inwardly called out to 'Zangetsu', both of them, the Hollow/Shinigami and the Quincy.

But there was no reply, it had already been like that for a while now, but he thought that he could communicate with them now that he was in-

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