Chapter Six: Unexpected Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Wah- master?! I-"

"What's your name, green mustache guy? You're not one of Kamek's minions are you?"

"L-Luigi--but I'm not-"

"Who do you work for?"

"I-I mean I'm part of a p-plumbing company..." Luigi chuckled nervously at saying this. The woman suddenly stopped circling around him and stared at him in slight confusion. She was now standing in front of him once again.
"Oh?..." She didn't seem too convinced.

"Don't believe me? Look-" Luigi put his hand in his pocket to grab his phone but something suddenly snapped. In almost natural instinct, the woman whipped right around in defense, looking around for what had made that strange noise. Luigi flicked on his flashlight worriedly.
"Wh-what was that-?" Luigi wanted to ask this person so many questions at that moment but the woman shushed him in response as they continued scanning the area.

Both of them could hear low growling noises, which made the woman grip her staff tighter, ready for anything. Luigi suddenly saw a white figure with fiery eyes and did a double take, only for it to no longer be there. His light suddenly turned off ironically. Fearfully, Luigi freaked out while trying to turn his flashlight back on and before they knew it, a boned Koopa-like figure with magma eyes stood right directly in front of both of them while growling.

While the woman stood her ground and blocked the skeletal creature, Luigi made a run for it, dropping everything including his flashlight as he did while screaming.
"HEY!!" The woman called out to him, slightly angered by the fact that her only help has just left her there. The Skeleton Koopa started trying knab at her with it's mouth, to which she blocked with her staff without even thinking. That, unfortunately, caused her staff to snap in half.
"Uh oh..." Not a moment after did the woman start running after Luigi, the Koopa Skeleton shortly after her in rage.

Luigi continued panting in fear as he sped away from the angry skeletal creature catching up behind him and the other human with him angrily. Not watching where he was going, Luigi suddenly ran into a long tree branch. Not only did it somehow not break on impact, it also catapulted Luigi right back into the Skeleton Koopa, causing the monster to tumble into pieces like a Jenga tower as Luigi knocked into it. He looked at the bundle of bones in front of him, which now had his hat on its head due to the crash, and smiled victoriously.
"HAHA!! YES!!!" He cheered aloud, almost taunting the monster. The woman with him was on edge about it however. She knew these monsters and had more experience with them than the innocent green plumber did.

"Luigi. I wouldn't-" Luigi still didn't listen to her, for he didn't even noticed she was there at that moment.
"YOU just got-a Luigi'd!..." Luigi then picked up the skeleton's head and swiftly flung his hat back onto his head in pride.

However, the Skeleton Koopa was not dead it seemed...

It gleamed its burning red eyes at Luigi furiously suddenly, causing him to drop the head in panic.
"Oh boy..." Even the woman became tense, for she no longer had a weapon on hand.
Suddenly, more Skeleton Koopas dug themselves out of the ground fiercfully, growling and groaning like they were zombies as they began inching closer to the two unlucky humans trapped between them.
Luigi hurriedly kicked one of them off his foot, freaking out as his heart began beating rapidly. They were surrounded!
The woman with him wouldn't give up however. She acted as if she'd done this a million times before, keeping a stern look on her face.

"Don't worry, I've got an idea..." The woman told him, standing her ground firmly. Luigi hesitated to know what that plan was. The last time somebody had a plan, it ended up failing miserably.
"A-and that is...?" He asked as the Koopas Skeleton trudged closer.


The woman's expression suddenly changed from tense to panic in a snap and she suddenly made a run for it, grabbing Luigi's hand as she did.
"RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIFEE!!!" Luigi didn't even have to think twice to agree to that statement as they both ran away. Furiously, the Koopa Skeletons started chasing after them once again. What was there deal anyway? Were they just crazy in general?!

Both Luigi and the knightly-looking woman with him came up to a small building with castle-like structure surrounded by a river of lava. This could be there only escape from the monsters still chasing them! They had to get there and quick!!
The woman had no issue with crossing the small river of magma, of course.
Luigi, however, almost took a wrong step and nearly sent himself to death by lava hadn't his other foot landed on a stepping stone ahead of him. The woman pulled him up as one of the Skeleton Koopas nearly chomped on his foot.

Finally rushing inside the building, Luigi hurriedly began trying to close the large door to block the monsters off. Of course, the monsters' small hands began trying to claw their way inside, grabbing onto Luigi as they did.
Thankfully, the woman still by his side managed to knock the boney hands away and just when it seemed it was all about to end for them, Luigi finally got the giant door to close, locking themselves in and keeping the skeletal monsters outside. They stayed silent for a moment, hoping for the creatures to go away.

After a short while, they did and gave up afterwards. Luigi sighed in sweet relief. They were now considered safe.

He had so many questions rushing through his head at that point. What were those things? Where were they at? How were they going to find his brother?

Better yet, who even was this woman siding with him at this moment?

"That was close..." The woman muttered while sitting herself down. Luigi sat down with her, rubbing his nose and repositioning his hat in relief.
"Yeah..." Luigi agreed with a small chuckle.
Things seemed like they were going to be okay. All they really had to do was wait out until it was safe to leave and find help.

That was not the case, however...

In a quick flash of lightning, a bunch of small red-hooded beings in masks appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Shy Guys...

Unluckily, neither of the humans noticed their presence until it was too late.


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