Chapter 5

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Waking up at four in the morning to the sun rising was something else. It set the mood right for the day.

God how I missed it.

The view from the beach house was breathtaking, especially in the orange glow of the sun. You couldn't see any of this in the city, and watching it near the beach was breathtaking.

I set my alarm half an hour before the sunset and sat on the balcony. I made some coffee and watched as the sun rose in the sky.

I planned for the day even though part of me wondered if Nixie was here. I shook my head and pushed that thought to the back of my mind till later. Clearing my mind, I knew what I wanted to do and that was to catch some waves.

After I finished my coffee, I returned to my room and went to the kitchen to make some toast. I planned on going into the town center to get some food to bring home.

After eating some toast, I returned upstairs and got my wetsuit on. I grabbed a T-shirt, flip-flops, and shorts to wear back.

Once dressed, I descended the stairs to the basement, where I kept my surfboard. I never took it home with me when I was last here as there wasn't a beach for miles where we lived, so the surfboards were always left there.

I checked over the board to make sure it was in working order. I placed my surfboard on the bench, and started to scrape off the soft wax, and wiped it down from side to side with a clean cloth.

I was eager to get out on the waves.

Once I knew the board was done, I grabbed it and headed to the beach.

I could hear a car go past as I approached, but I couldn't determine who it was. I shrugged and looked at the ocean.

I smiled.

This is my favorite place and where I wanted to be, I felt at home here.

Last night I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. I knew what I wanted to do, but was always scared to tell my father about it. Not anymore. I had a dream and I wanted to do it now, not caring what the old man wanted.

I wanted to teach people to surf, and I liked cooking too. I wanted to place the two things I loved and do something with them—a cafe, with surfing school on the sides.

I know my father wouldn't like the idea but I needed to stick to my guns and to do it. I wanted nothing to do with his money, I had my own. I saved enough money to start over and do what I wanted. I just needed to grow a pair of balls and tell my old man.

As I approached the beach, I noticed I was the only one there. Perfect. It felt good to have the beach all to myself. After taking it all in and placing my clothes down, I grabbed my board and headed into the sea. The water felt great. It was surprisingly warm.

For the next hour or two, I caught a few waves and loved how the sea felt. I swam back and sat down as soon as I got onto the sand and stared out at sea.

My mind was rested, which is something I never had back in the city. Everything here made me at ease.

After a few minutes, I sighed and moved. I got out of the wetsuit and placed the dried clothes on. I turned around and walked back up to the house with my surfboard. I went straight to the basement and placed my surfboard back.

Once I placed the board where it was supposed to be, I headed back inside the house and straight to the bathroom. I switched on the shower and headed inside. I let the water cascade over me for a moment before washing.

After another fifteen minutes, I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the back of the door. I wrapped it around my waist and headed back into my room.

I quickly got dressed by placing a fresh change of clothes on and headed downstairs. Knowing I had to go into the village to get food, I had nothing in the fridge or cupboards. I headed out the door, grabbing my wallet and keys as I left.

I walked to my car and climbed in, and started the engine. Driving away from the house, I headed into town but had to park further away than usual. As I pulled into the car park. I shut down the engine and looked around. There were loads of people everywhere.

I climbed out of my car and headed to see where everyone was going, but I soon realized that the market was there.

My mum mentioned it last night on our phone call, that Nixie worked here. An image entered of her, the young version I remembered, wondering if she looked the same. I couldn't help but look around but I didn't know if I would recognize her now.

There were too many people around. I knew I had to go to the store for food, but it's not every day you get to check out a market, and judging by the people here, there were loads of different things being sold here.

I walked through the crowds of people, looking at some of the stalls along the way. I stared at a few items, remembering what it was like when we were back here. There used to be a market like this, but smaller. The market brought people from everywhere. The stalls have changed since I was last here, and it was a lot bigger.

I walked around aimlessly for a while, staring at the stalls and the people passing by.

I would have bought loads, but I needed to be good with my money for this month until I told my father what my plan was for my future.

I moved closer to the middle and glanced to one side, and stopped.

My heart began beating fast as I stared at the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. There was no doubt who it was; she looked the same as she did eight years ago. There sitting on a chair while people were walking past was Nixie.

I couldn't help but stare.

I wanted to go over there and talk to her, but my legs wouldn't move. It was like I was in a trance.

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