"So, both these women were important to my dad and my Godfather?" Ebony asks.

"Very." Professor McGonagall states. "It's honestly refreshing to hear someone be curious about old-students. Did it help you a little?"

"Yes, thanks, Minnie." 


EBONY HAD DECIDED TO CHILL WITH FRED IN HIS DORM. She had told him everything she could remember from her talk with Professor McGonagall and he currently seems incredibly curious too. 

"Do you think they were in love?" Fred asks, referring to Remus and Katherine. 

"Maybe." Ebony replies, shrugging her shoulders. "I read every Daily Prophet from 1981 and I skipped through many pages just to try and find some information on her but there's nothing."

"Not even a confirmation of her death?" Fred asks, frowning.

"No, that's the weird thing." Ebony replies. "Every witch or wizard who died during the war has a memorial, every single one." She puts down some old Prophets. "But she doesn't."

"So maybe she didn't die in the war."

"At least her body was never found which is also weird because it she died, her body must've been discovered by now." Ebony says. "Same thing with Esme Thorns. My mom's body was never found either. Fred, they were friends in Hogwarts."

"How do you know?" The ginger asks.

"I found these photographs. Since my mom is a Slytherin, they hung on a wall filled with old photos of previous students. This is my mom, this is some random girl and this is Katherine." She explains while pointing at it. 

"So, maybe the two are still alive." Fred states.

"If that's the case, I want to find them." Ebony replies. "My mum owes me a big explanation for just dropping me off meanwhile Katherine. . . she and Remus must've been in love right? She created wolfsbane potion for him."

"You should talk to Remus sometime."

"Summer is coming up. First study, then talk." Ebony says. 

"I'm glad you trust me with all this information." Fred admits, honestly. "I love seeing you like this."

"Off the deep end?" Ebony asks.

"Determined." Fred states, leaning forward and kissing her. 


EXAMS WERE COMING UP WHICH MEANT STUDYING! Ebony and Lee are currently sitting in the library with their books all over the place. She looks at each and every one of them, hoping to get a glimpse of something that would stick.

"Do you think Megan still likes me or do you reckon she has forgotten about me?" Lee suddenly asks. Ebony frowns at her friend. She had been sitting here for the past 4 hours and now he has to ask such things?

"Maybe." Ebony replies, shrugging. "You went with her to the Yule Ball and said she was too young for you, didn't you?" 

"Yeah but. . . she's pretty, isn't she?" 

Ebony frowns again, she had never heard Lee talk like this and it is creeping her out a little. Lee isn't someone that would suddenly comment on someone's physical features. 

"I mean, she has pretty puffy hair and beautiful eyes. I might ask her out again."

"Lee?" Ebony asks softly. "Are you okay?" 

"Totally fine, why?" 

Love potion.

She drags Lee out of the library and into his dorm which he shares with Fred and George, she quickly closes the door and stares at them. 

"We got a problem."

"How bad?" George asks.

"Maybe I can still find a mistletoe somewhere and force Megan to kiss me underneath it." Lee suggests, smiling goofily. 

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Fred asks.

"Love potion." Ebony replies, firmly. "Amortentia was right there for the taking. I bet Megan really didn't like the rejection."

"Damn, Lee." George mutters. "How do we get him out of it, it's not like we can ask Snape."

"No, but we can ask someone who is smarter than him." Fred replies. 

This is why they are in the girl's abandoned bathroom with Hermione who is fixing an anti-potion for them. Luckily she agreed to make some for them.

"Would Megan like yellow flowers?" Lee asks. Ebony can't help but giggle. She turns to face away from the boy and instead look at the wall. Fred appears next to her.

"I guess some people really do act very weird when they're in love." Fred states, smirking. "Or under a spell--"

"Shut up, Weasley." Ebony replies, trying to hide the red blush on her cheeks. 

"I don't blame you, of course. . ."

"Let's not forget you were the one to put grapefruit into it."

"Let's not forget you were the one who wanted to taste it." Fred replies, smugly.

"Okay." Hermione breathes out and stands up. "This should work." She hands the potion to George who gives it to Lee. 

"What is it?" Lee asks, looking into the bottle.

"It will make you see Megan." George says, smiling. 

Lee doesn't waist any time and drink the entire bottle of anti-potion. Ebony smiles at this and watches his disgusted face afterwards.

"That is the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted." He states, putting the bottle down and shaking his head, annoyedly. 

"Still want to talk to Megan?" Fred asks, curiously.

"Megan? Why would I? Did I do something?" 

"Nope, you're totally fine." Ebony replies, relieved.


Written: 28/04/2023

Word Count: 1430

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