Chapter 6 - Comfort

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As he walked further into the entrance hall, his eyes were drawn to the massive shelves of achievements that were gleaming and never covered in dust. Both sides contained large shelves, filled to the brim with medals and numerous trophy designs.

As he shifted his gaze at the walking woman in front of him with all of her superior aura, he felt a growing admiration for her strength, power, and achievements. Mocha sensed that she was a good person, but there was something in her heart that gave him pause.

But it wasn't that strong to make him feel threatened, he could handle it.

After a while, the door opened by itself and they finally entered the living room. Mocha marveled at the expensive-looking interior, never in his life had he experienced something luxurious or pricey. He was used to something below intermediate.

The hall was spacious. The soft golden lighting added a touch of luxury to the furniture the moment the sliding door was opened. A grand staircase in the distance hinted at more floors in the mansion. To the left was the cozy lounge with comfortable couches and a warm fireplace. To the right was the open island kitchen and a well-stocked walk-in pantry.

Mocha's mouth hung agape as his eyes darted up at the extravagant chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, this bulky creator has such an expensive taste.

"Well there's the kitchen and there's the bathroom. And the laundry room is right there." She showed him around, pointing at each of the spaces. "Feel free to use anything or do anything however you desire, but don't make a mess or break things."

"Okay," Mocha nodded, reminding himself to avoid triggering any of Felicia's tics.

"Make yourself at home." She glanced down, his twitching fluffy ears caught her eye.

"Thanks, Felicia..." His pupil dilated at her words.

Felicia led the way to the stairs, guiding each step closely. At the top waited four rooms, one for her, another for her brother who visited often. The two remaining rooms reserved for visitors were usually vacant, until now.

"These are the guest's rooms. You can choose which one of your liking to be yours." She said, gesturing her hand to the two rooms.

"Does anyone come here often?" Mocha asked.


"Then, why do you have two guest bedrooms?" Mocha asked, feeling a bit weird. "You build this mansion by yourself..."

"Because I feel like it."  She shrugged. "Well, we have someone to use it now, don't we?" Felicia rubbed Mocha's head, earning a charming purring sound from him.


Felicia wasn't the type to make a deal, especially a contractual one. There was something about Mocha that compelled her to keep him around. If he attempted to leave, she could always enforce the contract he had signed with his own fingers.

The creator needed to study the werecat. If Mocha didn't sign the contract, she would have him anyway, but in a less ethically sound manner.

As an immortal, Felicia was able to sense another immortal, another one of her kind. Every immortal has a special power or ability, whether it stands out or not.

However, he and his feline features did not conform to the norm. She decided to investigate him later.

"I'll choose this one." He extended his hand towards the room beside her brother's and giggled excitedly.

The door silently opened on its own. The room was fully equipped with all the necessary amenities and facilities. A big bed, a bookshelf filled with lots of books to dive in, a nice table for working personally, and a big closet. Everything. What was more to need, Felicia could easily assemble them.

"Wow! This is the guest room?! It's so large and sleek!" He said, sounding delighted. His hands clapped together, his tail wagged even quicker than before. He was drowning in the amazement of the room.

"If anything is missing just let me know." She said.

"I don't think there's anything though, this is too much for me." He said with a smile.

"Very well." She nodded.

He looked up to Felicia, staring at her features. He desired to ask this specific question but hesitated, he may realize that he asked way too many questions to her. Like an interview session. Yet, his curiosity wanted to know so badly.

"What?" Felicia asked, noticing the anticipation in his eyes.

"How exactly rich are you?" He raised his eyebrow. His tone sounded curious.

A subtle pause lay between them as Felicia's pale lips curled a smug smile.

"I've learned to create money," She said as she flicked her wrist. Digital glitches flickered in her hands as a note of 100 formed to life in her fingers.

"Any. Currency." She bent down, handing the money to Mocha.

"Whoa... It looks real!" His small fingers shakily took the money, examining it. "How can you be so precise? It- it looks flawless!"

"I have plenty of time... I'm a millennium-old immortal, aren't I?" she grinned.

Once again the werecat's stomach grumbled again, he hid his flushed face behind the note as he made an awkward pause with his starved state. "Uhm.. sorry."

Felicia chuckled at his behavior, clearly this was a good entertainment for her now.

"Well then, I'll be cooking dinner. You can have a nice warm bath and change into something comfortable. Head downstairs when you're done."

His face shone with joy, as he'd just had the epiphany that he was starving. "Thanks... You've already done a lot since I arrived here." Mocha said. "Are you sure you don't ask anything for a return...?" He began to get curious.

"A simple gratitude and praise would help." She suggested. "Nothing much right?"

"Aha... You're that type of woman huh?" He giggled. "You like to be admired?" Mocha felt at ease as she grew more comfortable with him. His cat-like senses, always on alert for danger, had calmed down. Yet, something heavy weighed on her heart, like a dark presence always lurking. But he knew that Felicia was never inherently evil.

"I do deserve it do I, curious one?"

"Yes, of course. Your majesty." He playfully teased.

Spontaneously, the immortal froze. The word that came out of his mouth made her do so. Mocha stood there, confused. He looked at her face which was a bit rigid and behind it seemed to trigger her. As he opened his mouth and was about to ask why, she cut him off.

"Be quick, alright?" That was all Felicia said and only a nod, then she headed downstairs. Leaving Mocha confused and eventually doing his business.

"Is it something I said?"

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