Part 3: The bully >:[

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          As soon as I get up, the bell conveniently rings for second period. I get up and start to walk down the stairs but in the corner of my eye I see bad. I just sit there and stare at him for a second. As he walks down the stairs he trips but gets caught by someone else. Oh it's dREaM~ I roll my eyes. He's the most popular and lead player in the school football team. Although everyone says "OoHHh hES sOOOOooO hANSOmE~" or "oH hEs sO cHaRMinG~" he disgusts me. And even worst he's been spending more time with bad than usual. I should just ignore it for now and go head to PE. Yup this is basically my life.

              As I walk to the lockers I start to put my stuff in mine. But as I'm doing that I hear what it sounds like bad? I slightly peek around the corner. Dream pins Bad against the wall while smirking at him. I immediately dive back to my locker. Does- Does Bad like Dream?! NO NO NO NO I-I REFUSE. I quickly put away my things and dash out. Wait what am I thinking?! Why would I just leave him?! I'm a terrible friend! But it's too late now and I'm already out. I will just hope for the best. A few minutes later Bad came out completely red yet about to almost cry.

I run up to him and say, "HEY BAD! How are you? Why is your face completely red? Are you okay?"

But as I say that he completely ignores me and walks over to the side. A huge feeling of disappointment comes over to me and I'm just so upset that I could've done something about that but I didn't.

           But then something unexpected happens. Bad runs up to me, digs his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around me, and starts softly crying. I just hold him and rest my head on top of his.

He then pulls away and says, "Sorry I'm just kinda stressed out right now"

"No it's fine!" I say smiling, looking at his beautiful eyes.

"I don't wanna be rude but why were you crying?" I say while hugging Bad from behind, putting my arms around his waist.

"It's just that- Well- Dream asked me out on prom and I just had someone else in mind"

Wait, Bad is thinking of asking someone else to prom?

"Oh...! Umm well, who do you plan on asking...?" I say taking my hands off bad and going in front of him.

"Just a special someone...! I highly doubt that they would say yes though-" he said awkwardly laughing to himself.

"Well is there something I could help with?" I ask him.

"Uh no,  not really! Well, maybe I-"


But today's PE was kinda odd because me and bad usually talk but we hardly even made eye contact the entire class. Nothing much happened in this period except children suffering of thirst but apparently in school that's fine.

          As the bell rang yet again,  instead of just taking my stuff and leaving, I instead stayed around a bit to listen in onto Bad and Dream's conversation.

"So have you decided?" Dream said making only eye contact with Bad.

Bad then got all nervous and sweaty.
"I have...and my answer is no...! It's just that your not really my type and I-"

Dream suddenly cut Bad off.

"I'M JUST JOKING! WHO WOULD ACTUALLY WANT TO CONFESS TO YOU?! Whoever you plan to ask out they will probably reject you!" Dream said just walking out the room casually.

Bad just sunk to the ground and tucked his legs against his chest. I slowly walked up to him and laid my head of his shoulder.

"Are you doing okay?" I said holding on to his arm.

Bad eyes slightly widened as I touched him gently.

"Yeah I'm doing fine. I just probably have even lower expectations for the person I wanna ask out saying yes."

"Well I have high hopes!" I said smiling.

But then as I said that i realized something. I- I was there, HOLDING HANDS WITH BAD! I didn't even realize it til now?! Does Bad know?! I just stare at him and he stares at me.

731 words

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