My love esteem

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That was last year when I first saw her, back then she was no one to me, I was new to this town so I decided to make friends, that too after living one year lonely. At first when I decided that I needed human contact in my life, I went on asking people that were playing sports like soccer or badminton, that "can I play too?" most of the people would say yes, some of them were mean obviously, then after getting bored of soccer I decided I needed friends not play partners, as a overemotional, oversensitive teenager I knew that the thing I want was a sacred place where my thoughts, emotions and problems can be expressed without feeling the need to lie and what was this place called? That's right a friend circle. I realize that now there's no such thing like that but back then I only hoped for people who would understand that blaming someone for their problems is not helping them as most of you could relate this thing. So anyway here we are again reading the story of my life, more specifically my life one year ago, so yeah I am not dead and this is not an autobiography, not yet at least.



Hey guys can I play too? I finally gathered the courage to ask this question from a boy, he seemed like someone who would make fun of you in front of everyone and say no to your face and giving you "why am I even alive" thoughts in your mind but it turns out I was wrong, very wrong. He answered "umm okay but the ball is not mine" okay this was not that bad as I thought, he became friendly to me after a few minutes not to mention his weird way of getting my intro, his name was David. A fair, specs wearing, good looking, funny guy he was the kind of person you will think that "he is so immature to be this good looking" yeah he made me think that. And there was me, long haired, no sense of fashion, lonely, trying to look normal, trying to be kind to people kind of guy, yeah I know I was too much at that time but turns out I changed and I know people say that "people don't really change" a sentence that was ironic and not applicable to me in the same place as I still had to become people meaning I was under 18 so yeah I could change. He introduced me to his friend Chloe and another friend Sarah.

"Sarah" what a sweet name and what a sweet girl, at first I found Chloe's looks and body more attractive , she always wore mask so I had to wait a week or two to see her face. In the beginning Sarah wasn't the person of interest but after some time her magic started to work, at the first day (when everyone was returning home) I visited them I asked them can I hang out with them again? I remember asking them "do you guys come daily and can I join you too " Chloe said "not daily but yeah most of the days in the week " I said okay and went home reminding myself that "finally Zach you've found friends, real people" I felt good.

One month passed by, meeting them, having fun with them, David had classes to attend so he appeared very little, in that month I met Annie the elder sister of Tim a idiot kid who was younger than me but his sister and I were in same class, both of our boards result was awaited by us, and in the meanwhile Sarah and I grew a little closer just a little, I mostly hung out with Sarah and Chloe, the two of them were always together and still always when I asked them "are you guys best friends? " both of them said in unison "no we are not " , when the second month started, the month of June a rainy month perfect to soak anyone's heart, one day when Sarah and her other friend Mackenzie, Mack for short, were returning from their classes, Mack said "I know you, have we met somewhere ?" I remembered suddenly that when I was on friend hunt I had asked Mack and her other friend to play badminton with them, she was playing with a guy so it became easier for me to ask them, but being an asshole I said "no I don't think so" but after that she said "you're the guy that played with me that one time and then you disappeared like an asshole" look Mack was a free girl she doesn't respect anyone in front of her until she sees an actual adult, I was okay with that, it was good with me unless and until she doesn't go that hard on me. After talking with Sarah and Mack a little it started raining, Mack already carried an umbrella, she invited me in but I resisted as I loved getting wet in the rain and it was too early for me to get into the umbrella with a female which I literally got to know a half an hour ago, Sarah didn't have umbrella so she chose to run home instead of getting in umbrella as her house was close, Sarah hid in the shade for a while hoping the rain would stop, and in the meanwhile Mack asked me" aren't you cold?"

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