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We were children
Thrust into war
And once it ends
What will we become?

    Draco glanced back at the ancient castle one last time. The place that he had called a second home for the past seven years. The battle was ongoing, and he was running away. Just like he always did.
     "Draco, come." His mother's hand was stretched out, waiting for him to take it. Wordlessly, he turned away from the scene before him and joined his mother and father as they made their way across the crumbling bridge.The pain and regret welled up inside, and a single tear traced its way down Draco's dirtied cheek. He was scared. Scared for his parents, and that his choices had led him down a path with no return. With that thought, searing through his mind like a curse, they made their way through the anti-apparition wards. With a loud crack, they appeared at the front of the looming towers of their home. Seconds later Lucius collapsed into Draco's arms. Narcissus rushed over and put an arm around Lucius. His breath was labored, and his face was deathly pale.
    "Draco, we need to get your father inside. He is unwell." Draco could hear the fear that reverberated through his mother's shaky voice. They supported Lucius between them and brought him into the manor.
    "Mibsy!" Narcissa called out. With a quiet pop, doe-eyed house-elf appeared.
    "Yes, Mistress! How may Mibsy be of help?"
    "Prepare Lucius's potions. His condition has worsened."
    "Yes Mistress, Mibsy will do it right away!" And then with another crack, she was gone.
    They stumbled their way to the parlor and laid Lucius on the sofa. Taking out her wand, Narcissa knelt by his side. She moved it in an intricate pattern while mumbling a string of inaudible words, and Lucius's whole body started to quiver.
    Draco stood there, feeling helpless. His father had been sick for a while, but it was never this bad. It had all started when Voldemort returned. The Malfoys discovered that Lucius had cancer. This was extremely rare, but not impossible for someone of magical descent. It's more commonly found in purebloods, as a result of interbreeding, but Draco knew that his father would never admit to such an idea.
    They did everything possible for Lucius, but cancer was one of the few diseases that there wasn't an antidote for, even with magic. All they could do was slow down the cancerous cell from spreading. And that would buy them only so much time.
    Pop! Mibsy appeared with a tray of vials of all colors.
    "Mistress! Mibsy has brought Masters potions." Without a word, Narcissa reached for a vial with a tar-like black liquid and brought it to her husband's lips. The overwhelming smell of it was enough to make Draco gag. Mibsy, who was standing by Draco's feet, made a face at the smell. "Mibsy does not like yucky smell. Misby feels sorry that Master must take nasty stuff."
    "Mibsy! Silence!" Narcissa snapped. Mibsy squeaked in fright and scurried behind Draco's leg. He looked down at the pitiful elf and discreetly placed a gentle hand on Mibsy's bowed head. As he looked away, she removed her wrinkly hand from her face and gazed up with a look of utter devotion in her tear filled eyes. She tentatively reached for his hand and grasped them with her tiny fingers. Draco glanced down at her and a smile flitted across his lips. He gave her small hand a reassuring squeeze, and then whispered, "Go get some rest, we have it from here."
    "Yes Master Draco, Mibsy will get good rest." With wobbly curtsy, she disappeared.
    "Draco," His mother said, interrupting his thoughts. "I don't think your father has much time left." Narcissa looked up at him, and for the first time, since he was a child, Draco saw his mother cry. At that moment, Draco realized that everything that he ever valued, like power, money, and even blood purity meant nothing compared to what he had right here. Family. He knelt by his mother's side and laid a hand over hers.
    "Don't worry mother, he'll make it through, just like he always has."
    "He's not getting any better, and with the Dark Lords return it has taken its toll on him. He's dying Draco, your father is dying." Her voice cracks as she says this, and another tear tracks it way down her cheek. "I've tried to be strong for both of you. I truly have." Draco could feel his chest constrict, and his eyes prickled with unshed tears. Narcissa looked to her dying husband. Draco had to strain to hear her next words. "What am I going to do without him?" And with that, she broke down into a heart-wrenching sob. Draco knelt by her side and pulled her into his arm and held her. Even after the sobs turned to silent tears, they sat there, clinging onto each other.
    Lucius stirred beside them and Narcissus pulled away. She delicately wiped her tears and rose to her feet. All vulnerability seemed to melt from her face, replacing it with an impassive mask of calm. Her red-rimmed eyes filled with a steely ferocity.
     " If Voldemort wins the battle, he will come after us. We have to run. Run as far away as we can and never come back."
    That is all Draco had ever done. Run away from every problem and cower behind those in power. Draco stood and grasped her hands. "We can't keep on hiding. We have to face him. He won't stop until we are all dead." Draco took a deep breath before continuing. Merlins beard, he couldn't believe what he was about to say. "You and father take the Portkey to the safe house. You'll be safe there. I'll stay here and when Voldemort comes I'll tell him that both of you died in battle and I'm the only one left."
    "No Draco." Narcissa jerked her hands away from his grasp. "We are all going. Together." Her eyes flashed in anger.
    Draco sighed in defeat. He knew better than trying to change his mothers mind. After all she was and Black, and Blacks were notorious for their stubborn and temperamental natures.
    Draco helped her gather the few thing that they would be bringing with then. Soon enough Narcissus lay a hand on the unconscious Lucius and motioned for Draco to follow suit. He hesitated momentarily before doing so. Narcissa lay a hand on the unassuming silver chain around her neck which Draco knew to be a Portkey.
    She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe before uttering the word that Draco dreaded hearing. "Portus tatum domum."
In that small moment of time, which Draco knew would alter the course of his life he made the decision. Right before he began to feel the pull behind his navel, he let go.
    He heard the angry cry from his mother before her voice was cut off in a swirl of magic. He closed his eyes, fighting the tears that begged to fall.
    But he couldn't cry, not now. There was no time to feel sorrow. No time to mourn.
     He knew that the battle would end and when it did, no matter the outcome, someone would come looking for his family. With an air of resolve he made his way into his fathers study. He sat behind the old ebony desk and pulled out the stash of firewiskey. There was nothing left to do but wait.


The Capture and Trial of Death Eater, Draco Malfoy
By Rita Skeeter

On May 2, 1998, only a day after the Battle at Hogwarts and the defeat of He-who-must-not-be-named, Draco Malfoy (a suspected death eater) was captured by Aurors in his ancestral home of Malfoy Manor. He was found in Lord Malfoy's study calmly drinking firewiskey of all things! When asked where his parents were he gave no reply. Even after hours of interrogation from Aurors he never said a word. What could the young Malfoy be hiding? Was he under the imperious curse like his father had claimed after the first fall of the Dark Lord? Do not be dismayed, for this reporter will tell all.
This moring, on June 5, 1998, the trial of Draco Malfoy was held. After over a month of holding the alleged Death Eater he no longer looked like the picture-perfect pureblood. I must report that I was unnerved to see the wizard in question completely emotionless, as calm as could be. What could this mean? Did he know something the rest of us didn't?
When the trial commenced it seemed to be that it would be unanimous that Malfoy would be sentenced to life in Azkaban. Under veritaserum, Malfoy confirmed that he was a death eater. But when asked where his father, a known death eater, was, he replied that he was dead. Now this came to be a shock to everyone in the courtroom, for Lord Malfoy's body was never found.
But the biggest surprise to this reporter was who came to his defense. None other than the Boy-who-lived Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger, the Brightest witch of our age. One would wonder why they would come to the defense of an enemy.
Well, my dear readers, this development was the turning point of this trial. Harry Potter claimed that Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) had saved his life and Draco Malfoy had risked his life to give Mr. Potter his wand back, which led to the defeat of He-who-must-not-be-named. When Ms. Granger took the stand she made such a moving speech (that I admit my readers, even I shed a tear) claiming that Draco had been forced to become a death eater to save the lives of his family.
I must say, I've never seen the courtroom ever be so intense, everyone on the edge of their seat, waiting for the wizengamot to decide on the result of the sentencing.
Not to worry, I shall keep the suspense no longer. Narcissa Malfoy was given a pardon from all accounts and Draco Malfoy was sentenced to a lenient three years in Azkaban! Even I, Rita Skeeter have never seen the courts in such an uproar at this decision. Aurors had to hold the audience back as they escorted young Malfoy out. This begs to question, why was the sentence so lenient? Did the young Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger have such sway on the decision? Or had something much more nefarious happen? Only time will tell.

Authors Note: Hello, this is my first fanfiction so thank you so much for giving it a chance. I'll update it as often as possible, but I am working and going to school as well. I would love it if ya'll would interact and comment with my story, it would mean the world to me. Lots of love, N.M. <3

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