Chapter 18

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The next chapter shall be up A.S.A.P 'cause I'm board and have nothing else to do ;) 

ohhh and i have a name for all you fans.....

Deamon cupcakes :P

what do you think??

loooooooovvvveeee Georgia :D

I was sitting under a gum tree waiting for Lilly and Shanea. I looked around feeling alone for the first time in a long time. Normally I would have someone next to me, telling me things whether they be important or not. I looked up at the green leaves and thought about the first time I walked into these school grounds.

The black gates looked imposing and the older students seemed to look at me with disgust, like I was a piece of rubbish it was the same look they gave all the year seveners. I self-consciously pulled my navy skirt down a little hoping that it didn’t ride up or anything. Suddenly a bell went, making me jump and look at the timetable I only got yesterday. It said I was in G006 and I had no idea how to get there!

I wondered around looking at the classroom doors and back at my timetable, hoping that like magic I would just stumble across it and not be too late. I bit my lip as I looked down at my watch the period was already ten minutes in.

I picked up pace and bit my lip harder as the tears threatened to fall, this was my second day and I’ve already managed to mess things up.

“Are you ok?” I turned around to see a girl about the same height as me. I was tempted to say yes and walk on, but that would be stupid.

“I’m lost.” I said looking at the ground as a warm heat lit up my cheek as I passed her my timetable.

“Hmmm…G006! That’s the room I’m in! I’m just doing a job for the teacher and heading back now, come with me.” she said passing my timetable back.

“I’m Georgia.” I said.

“I’m Lilly.”

“Georgie….” Shanea’s voice called and I blinked and looked at her.

“Sup?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

“You were totally out of it!” Lilly exclaimed throwing her bag on the ground and sitting next to me, forming a circle.

“Just…remembering something.” I said with a smile.

“So what was it that you wanted to tell us?” Shanea asked as he opened her lunch bag. I bit my lip, like I do when I’m nervous.

“I need you guys to promise not to tell anyone…ok?” I asked and they nodded. “I’m pregnant.” I said and their eyes widened.

“OMG!! THAT IS SOOOOOOOOO COOL!!” Lilly exclaimed and tackled me into a huge hug. I rolled my eyes as Shanea joined in. Once they bother had settled down and were eating they stared to ask me questions.

“Is it Reece’s?” Lilly asked making me nearly choke on my water.

“Yes it is! Who’s else would it be?” I asked and she shrugged.

“I dunno.”

“Is it a girl or boy?” Shanea asked and I shrugged.

“Reece and I want it to be a surprise, even though I’ve been soooooooo tempted to find out.” I took a small bite of my sandwich.

“When is your next check-up?” Lilly asked.

“Next Wednesday.” I smiled up at them and they beamed back.

“Is Reece going with you?” Lilly asked and I shook my head sadly.

“He is on a month long tour so he can’t. But you gals can if you want.” They both nodded excitedly and giggled.

“That’s soooo exciting. Can I tell my mum?” Shanea asked and I shook my head.

“No one else can know ok? It’s not just my silly little reputation on the line it’s also Reece’s career and fandom and I don’t want to fuck it up.” I said and they nodded slowly.

“That’s alright, but you do know that you can’t keep a baby bump hidden forever.”

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