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    The brisk walk to Luke's house makes Vin itch in boredom. The uneventful two minutes is too agonizing for his ceaselessly buzzing personality.

Vin drapes his front half on Egon's head while his bottom half is splayed out on his shoulder.

  "Hey, are ya comfortable up there? Cause it's not so comfortable for me." Egon growls out.

A dramatic sigh flows out of Vin's entire body.
"Mmmm, I'm mighty comfortable. Thanks for asking." Flattening his body further into Egon's scalp, a grin of pure bliss on display across his face.
Grating on Egon's nerves is such fun. It's what best friends do.

Despite the pleasant sunny weather, the neighborhood is bizarrely still. It's the weekend. No kids playing in yards, no one doing yard work.
It must be due to the abundance of seniors living on the block. I never paid attention before. Not until I needed to keep a talking weasel under wraps.
Vin seems to be perpetually aware of his surroundings, he knows when to not speak or use his hands. Well, except the one time with Luke. Luke is some kind of Ninja though, I didn't notice him that day either.

Vin shifts, jostling Egon out of his thoughts. They've arrived at Luke's side door. Egon raps on the door's surface three times with his knuckles.

"I hear him coming." Vin squeaks out in pure excitement. His body sways from side to side in anticipation,  nearly slipping off Egon's shoulder

  Luke methodically opens his door. Rubbing his face with his left hand.

Egon catches sight of the boy's tousled hair. His brown eyes half squinted, trying to take in who standing in front of him. He is wearing a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Hey guys, come on in." Luke's voice sounds tad gravely, as if he hasn't used it in a while. He closes the door behind Egon after they entered. A yawn slips out as he ruffles at his own hair.

Vin leaps from Egon's shoulder onto Luke. Immediately wrapping his entire body around his neck. Luke smiles softly at the gesture.

Egon feels a twinge of guilt due to the fact they had dropped by out of the blue. "Did we wake you?"

       Looking up, Luke's smile grows broader.  "I did have a nasty migraine and took a nap.  I've been up for a while now.  I'm ok.  This is the highlight of my day. You and Vin's hugs."

        Egon rubs at the back of neck. "Still, I should have texted you first.  We wanted to surprise you."

        "You and Vin can surprise me anytime."  Luke starts chuckling. "I feel extremely underdressed.   You look real good there Spengler."

        "Uh..." Egon Looks down at himself,
Observing his black jeans and button up navy blue shirt.  "Thanks."
I feel Im rather plain.  Have to admit it is nice to hear a compliment that isn't from a weasel with no filter.

         Gasping loudly, Vin's face contorts with emotional pain.  Dropping down from Luke, he heavy steps his way up onto the couch.   "Excuse me!  I'm the one looking fabulous here!  Check out the vest."
He twirls on his heels and lands a pose with his head thrown back. 

         Knowing he needs
to mend Vin's feelings, Luke kneels down next to him and rubs his ears. 
"Of course Vin, you're the best looking of the three of us.  That vest is perfect on you.  It brings out your eyes."

I knew Luke noticed me first.  That migraine must have him scrambled him to compliment Egon before me.
"Damn right."

        Pushing himself back up to standing, Luke heads towards the kitchen. 
"Gonna grab us some snacks. "
He momentarily returns with a bag in his hand.  "Ah. Correction. A snack. I only found pretzels."

       Vin dives upon the bag, clamps his sharp teeth into it as if it's prey he succeeded to catch.  Pulling his head back with the bag grasped firmly in his jaws results in the bag ripping wide open.  Pretzels scatter in all directions.
      Egon slaps his own forehead. 
"Awwww, shit, Vin!  You got them everywhere!"

           "No worries, gonna eat them anyway."
Vin collects a bunch and creates a pile in front of himself.  Sitting down on his bottom, he carefully selects one of the pretzels and starts licking it.  Running his tongue around the curves of the pretzel. 
Noticing the silence, Vin peers up to find Egon and Luke staring at him with perplexed expressions.
"What!?  The salt is the best part."

         "You've eaten pretzels before?" Egon asks.

        "Of course, peanuts and pretzels were regularly set out to munch on at the taverns."

        Shaking his head incredulously, Egon grabbed a couple pretzels.  "Just when I thought I understood your former World, you tell me something that throws me off."
"We should talk about Vin's duties that'll  be starting Monday."  Egon brought up in between crunching on pretzels.

     "Duties!?"  Vin squealed, ceasing his licking due to shock.

       "Yes, You'll start assisting Luke if he needs you.  Especially during school.  I'm only with him during Lunch and PE." 
Egon sat on a chair facing Luke and Vin to address them both.
" Vin, you'll be helping him to remember when he forgets.  Guide him through spacing out or if he misinterprets anything.  You may sense an oncoming seizure.  If you do,  have him sit or lay on the ground before it begins, so he doesn't fall.  Move any objects nearby he may hurt himself on.  Get his head positioned to the side.  I'll give you a watch to hold in your bag, you'll time any seizures. Unless there's a clock nearby, use that. As he comes out of a seizure, comfort him.  
All of this you'll need to do without using your hands or talking while in public.  You can squeak or grunt, any animal-like noises.   Or use a super quiet whisper in his ear. 
Luke shouldn't get questioned if he talks to you. People tend to talk to their pets."

Egon took a couple deep breaths before continuing.
"This is what I've thought of so far.  I'm sure more will be figured out as we go.  You both can develop an array of subtle signals that have meaning between you. Vin is remarkably creative."

       Luke gazed at Egon intensely.  "How do you know all this?"

        "I've been doing my research." Egon answered proudly

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