The Vest

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*** Author's note- I want everyone to know that I am Not OK with fake service animals. It's far too easy for fake ones to exist now that anyone can order a harness online, that says service animal on it. Fake service animals are a distraction and a danger to real service animals and their human. This is a highly fictitious story and not meant to be taken seriously, at all. That being said, onward to the story***

Egon slammed open his front door.   He strode inside while holding a box with both both hands.  Carefully, he sat the box down on the living room floor.
" Vin!!! It's here!!! It's here!!" calling out into the expanse of his home.

Soon, the distinct pitter patter of a weasel shifting into warp speed was heard. Vin momentarily forgot how to hit the breaks and bonked into the side of the box.  Shaking his head a couple times brought on a swift recovery.
He gazed up at Egon with eyes full of wonder, his body vibrating with excitement.
"What are you waiting for? A goblin beauty pageant?! Open it!"

"I was waiting for you, ya Fucktard. Calm down." Egon shifts his gaze onto Vin. "You know I say that with love, right?"

"Yes, yes, I'm well aware. You can call me whatever you like as long as it isn't Ferret."
Vin seethed at the last word. "Now bust that thing open!"

  Egon moves his focus back onto the box, he begins tearing at the tape with his fingers. Vin hops up and starts chewing at it it with his teeth. They successfully open up the top, haphazardly.

Egon reaches in and pulls out a small item. "I'll never understand why they pack something this small into a box ten times it's size. The rest is all packing peanuts."

         Vin methodically scoots himself backwards, step by step.  Egon raises a curious eyebrow at him.   Once Vin finds himself at the opposite side of the room, he runs toward the box.  Using those spring —like back legs, he leaps and belly flops into the box.

         A bunch of rustling proceeds inside the box as Vin frolics amongst the peanuts.  His enthusiastic playing results in the box toppling over on its side.  Emerging from the capsized box, Vin grins wildly with numerous packing peanuts stuck onto his fur from static electricity.

          Pulling out his phone, Egon snaps some pictures of Vin to send to Luke.  Letting loose his laughter at Vin's appearance.
"HA!! I'm gonna. *wheeze* give you a, hehehaha, a carrot nose. *wheeze* and call you Olaf."
Returning his phone back in his pocket, he brought out his inhaler to assist with his wheezing.

          Placing his hands on his hips, Vin glares at Egon. 
"Who is Olaf?  Carrots are not body parts.  A carrot cannot replace a nose."

       With his breathing under control he continues chuckling under his breath.
"Since when did you only think reasonably.  It's make believe."

        Covering his mouth with his hands, Vin tries to hide a growing smile.   Egon caught a glimpse of it, he smiles back knowing Vin was only pulling his "tail".
"Come here you little shit, Let's get all those peanuts off you."

         After dislodging the peanuts from Vin, Egon unwrapped the plastic wrapper from the item that had been inside the box. 
"Behold!  Your Service Animal harness."  Holding it up for Vin to view it.  It's a forest green color with maroon lettering, boldly stating "Service Animal"

        Taking his magical bag off his shoulder, Vin placed it on the floor next to him. 
This is it.  Once this is on me, I am a service animal for life.  Luke's service animal.  I'll have a job.  Responsibilities.  Hmm, maybe I'm in over my head.  Nawww, I can do anything.
"Put it on me! Put it on me!"

         "Hold still, stop squirming."  Egon buckles the harness around Vin's chest and around his waist.   "Wow, Vin, wait until Luke sees you.  You will now be able to be with Luke all the time to help him."

        Vin felt his heart drop a little.  "You and Luke, right?  You'll be there too."

        "I can't be with Luke all the time.  We don't share all the same classes.  I know his Mom won't mind me hanging around a lot or him being over here,  she knows I'll help him too.  Sometimes, his Mom will want some time with just her son, ya know?"

         Vin entire face and even his ears drooped downward.  "Then she can help Luke, why do I have to be there?  I want to be with you too."

         A sorrowful expression cast over Egon.  "Besides her needing to work a lot to pay the bills... I don't know how to explain this.. other than.. you have a sixth sense that'll alert you of something wrong with Luke before it happens.  Neither myself or his Mom have this sense.

        Turning away from Egon, Vin pouts.  "Whatever that is, I don't have it."

        "You do, trust me, you do."
He's a gifted weasel from another World.  How can he not have that sixth sense?
"Let's head over to Luke's, you look so dapper in that vest."

         Turning back around, Vin's ears shifted back up, along with his mood. 
"I do look quite stunning in this, don't I?"

      "Girl's often say, "there's something about a man in uniform. Many guys find a man in uniform irresistible as well."

      "Yes!! Luke won't be able to help himself, he's gonna tear off his clothes and ravage me when he sees me.  When your Dad gets home, he won't be able to keep his hands off me."

      Smacking his forehead, Egon groaned  "try to remember, my Dad is off limits."


Bound Together Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora