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Chapter -1 (introduction)


A day at the Port mafia



"Chuuya-san?.....What are you doing here?



"umm..actually.. it's 8 I just wanted you to wake up"

"-_- woowww thanks for scaring me"

I woke up and looked around worried realizing that the emo sleeping next to me had disappeared. "Where's Ryuu?" I asked "Boss gave him some work. He told me to wake you up before he left" Chuuya-san explained as he walked into the kitchen in his usual clothes to make us some food.

Chuuya-san and I have known each other for a long time now. We met on a mission together. Now I see him almost as a big brother. 

"Also Boss told me to make sure you come to the meeting at all costs. whatever that was about."

'Weird' I thought as I quickly got dressed, wearing a simple white shirt, black pants, a long black coat, and the black gloves I usually wear. (He has his silver hair but dyed a few strands black. He also wears earrings.)

I ate breakfast and put on my shoes. As I headed out I checked the clock '8:30 I still have half an hour.'


Time Skip half an hour later

"......now I would like to address the main topic of this meeting, the Armed Detective Agency, as you know our relations with the Detective Agency are........." Boss went on as I half listened to what he was saying just enough to know what's up. I realized that there were a lot of people at the meeting. 'must be something important' I thought

"......after a lot of thinking (not that much) I made the decision that I would have a member of the Port mafia that I trust go undercover as a spy for the agency, and who could play a better role in being a spy-" 'damn a spy huh I wonder who that could be-' I was cut off my thoughts when boss started talking again

"-than my white tiger Atsushi?"

wait did he just say my name? Atsushi?...


"Atsushi? Are you not going to say anything?"

I put on a calm face as boss looked at me awaiting an answer.

"I don't mean anything when I say this but boss...are you sure I'm the right person to send on this mission?"

"Entering the Ada is not something easy. We need someone who can go there and stay hidden. The Ada has been investigating the white tiger after that incident. So it shouldn't be too hard. You're also someone who Dazai would not recognize."

Atsushi nodded in response to what he heard. Sometimes he forgets just how smart his boss is.

Everyone else there also nodded in agreement.

Still is sad I have to leave Ryuu and Chuuya...

Meeting end

"Alright, I think that concludes the meeting. All except Atsushi can leave."

I stayed there and watched as everyone quietly left. After everyone left boss passed me an envelope with the mission details.

"Good luck...mess up and I think you know what happens." He said with that creepy ol' grin of his.

I let myself out of the room and walked back to my place, the envelope still in hand.
When I reached the apartment I saw that Ryuu had already come back from his mission. I greeted him and went into my room. While reading the contents of the envelope I realized that I would have to move out and also just how much I had to do...this guy even crafted me a whole backstory. Attempt to rob them? All of this is all too troublesome...

I got out of my room and went to sit next to Ryuu on the couch and 'spend some time' with him since I probably wouldn't be able to do that for a while.


After he saved Dazai from 'drowning'

This just had to be the way I ran into them

"Hey kid want some food? You look hungry. My coworker said he'll pay"

I looked up at the soaked man in front of me. How is he not cold? I had heard lots about him but never seen him in person. Perfect opportunity

"Really?...well I like chazuke..."

"chazuke huh?" He said ignoring the screams of his coworker from the other side of the river.

A while later we were in a restaurant nearby and it seemed I was hungrier than I thought I was...

"I don't come to work to look after my suicidal partner and some snot-nosed brat!"

"Awww Kunikida-kun your sooo mEaaN.."

It seems that all that acting at the orphanage is seeming to pay off now.


Agency test

The bomb is obviously fake but I'm not supposed to know that. I could just kill him...but I can't ...this is so troublesome.

"Aahh oh no what do w-we do?? that's literally a bomb 〒▽〒"

"u should go distract him atsushi-kun"

"M-Me? Why Me TT"


"You pass the test welcome to the ADA Atsushi!!"

"Test? What Test? Wait so Im not going to die?"(hes trying his best:'))

That was waaaaaaayyyy too easy. Is this really the ADA that were need to monitor?

"Oh right! Atsushi we have dorms here in the ADA do you wanna stay here or rent out an apartment nearby?"

"I guess I could stay here till I make enough money to take care of myself."

It would be risky to live here. I cant have them find out about me.

Tanizaki showed me to my room. I took a shower and laid down on my futon.Oh how I miss my apartment. I really wish boss would have given me a heads up about the mission. But well he's my boss and the most confusing person ever. I just laid there for a while before slowly drifting of to sleep...

I miss Aku...

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