"... "

"Well good day now! "

"Wait, Y/n! Don't you want to be with us? "

"No... I don't want to be in a poly relationship... "

"Well, you are outnumbered, Y/n... So just give it up already... And marry us! "

They grabbed their knives and tried forcing me into saying yes...

I got stabbed by Makio in my left arm and I groaned in pain... I continued to keep on fighting either way and wasn't realizing what was behind me...

I took a deep breath and was about to use a move when I felt a cloth being put on my face...

I donkey-kicked whoever was doing that and I guess I hit the person where the light doesn't shine because he was groaning in pain...

I then said,

"Seventh Form:🌌👘Galactic Wardrobe🌌👘! "

I changed my wedding dress into my comfortable original fighting outfit...

I left the wedding and his mind and saw that the blob of goo shifted into a coin. I took the coin and continued down this path, prepared to emotionally break anyone in my way...

Me and Aisha decided to be neutral allies yet again and so I have this radio in which she is explaining every piece of information that she knows... Currently I am just wandering through the forest exploring it and talking with Aisha.

"Why do I have to collect all these coins, again? "

" Well, the tree does require you to donate 29 gold coins, which estimate at the price of... ¥29,000,000,000 ($212,913,650)! "

"What the ****?! Why so expensive? "

"Well it's mainly because it extends your youth by about 100- 1,000,000,000 years! "

"Wait so am I gonna look ancient? "

"... No! You will look young until you die! "

"... "

"Okay the signal is about to cut off so, hasta la vista! "

"Sure... "

She cut the signal and I was left alone in the forest

"Ehm... Now I am alone... How do I emotionally break all the people and or demons that I will probably, maybe encounter? "

I then saw a curtain of leaves and went inside...

I saw multiple things that I have strongly hated and was afraid of since I was little up until now... My eyes widened and I froze in shock...

Items circled all over me, people/ living things were coming closer.

"Kehhh~ Tes...ing is... Thing... On? Alrighty! The radio works! Ok, so you need to overcome your fears NOW before it's too late! "

"Wh-what? N-no! I am not going to confront my biggest fears! "

"If you don't do it now, you will be stuck in this... Dimension forever! Run or fight NOW!"

I hesitated but got up in battle stance. I changed my kimono into clothes fit for battle (oh by the way I am joking! I wore a dress because I was too stressed to think correctly... What they don't know is that I move flexibly in this dress despite its length...

I breathed in and fought with my first 6 forms over and over until I won and could feel myself about to faint... Oh well...

"Don't faint! This will lead to you dying! "

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