Start from the beginning

"What were you doing in that house? Don't you know you can't step foot in there without my acknowledgment?"  He says and the last word a little loud.

"I'm confused, what house?"

"Don't play smart with me, I've asked you a question and I'd like an answer in return, what were you doing in that house?" He sits down and crosses his arms. He sure knows how to take care of himself, I can tell he's muscular.

"You have to be a bit more specific sir, I don't understand anything. What house? And what am I doing here? Who are you guys?"

"You seem pretty convincing, did you take acting class?" He says sarcastically with no emotion on his face. Cruel.

"Okay I'm double confused." I scoff "Would you mind to stop being so mysterious and tell me, am I being kidnapped? Did you kidnapp me?" I say not believing my words.

"Kidnapped you?" He sounds confused and sighs in disbelief. "Okay..." he takes his gun out and puts it on the table, shit. "Were you spying on me? Were you send to spy on my work? My sector? You better speak now perhaps I'll spare your life." He says as he leans back on his chair and his stare is very intimidating.

"Spying on you?" I swallow my spit and look at the gun "You're crazy.... " I stand up walk away slowly. "that must be it you're craz-" Before I could finish the last word one of his soldiers that was behind me hit me with his weapon on my head, fuck it hurts.

He starts beating me and I think he's saying I shouldn't call their boss crazy but I can't hear anything. So I yell "STOP!" Angrily and push him away from me while standing up slowly he wants to hit me again but the Blondie stops him as he stood up immediately and looks at his soldier intimidating and sternly.

"What do you think you're doing soldier? Control yourself otherwise I'm gonna have to do so." He looks at me and points to the chair so I sit but I'm really mad now. Ouch my head though.

"Please miss, excuse my soldier's manners, he's new at this and doesn't know when or where to interfere." He chuckles and I'm just looking at him like I wanna slit his throat open. Just cause he's pretty doesn't mean his personality is too, I want him dead. "What's your name?"

"Blair. Blair Wrenlee!"

"Blair!" He says my name like it's amusing to him. "And how old are you, Blair ?"

"Eighteen....what's your name?"

"You want to know my name?" He says like he's not believing his ears I just had the audacity to ask him a question? Oh my God act surprised, I can't ask him a simple question! He has a small smirk on his face.

"Sure....unless it's a secret." A smirk crosses my mouth "Or unless you have an ugly name!"

"What were you doing near my place, near sector 45?" He wants to change the subject.

"How old are you? You must be around your 20s, maybe 23?" If he's gonna ask stupid questions so will I.

"Don't test me, Wrenlee. Are you a spy? Were you send to spy on my work? Who do you work for?" He says angrily.

Okay wait "Ohhhh, I get it now." Of course what else would it be. "This is a social experiment! Where are the cameras? For a moment I believed everything." I chuckle while trying to see where the cameras are "Seriously where are the cameras? I mean I don't look good right now but it's fine!" I fix my hair.

"Are you trying to manipulate me? Because that won't work. I know that probably another regent send you here to spy on me and my work so he or she could complain to the Supreme Commander." He stands up and takes his gun "But I will not allow that...."
He walks slowly towards me, I'm scared.

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