The Twins' Gifts

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When it was her time to receive presents, she got the famous Weasley jumper from Molly, a dark blue one with a golden L on it. The others had chipped in for tickets for a quidditch match from Ginny's new team, together with a box of sweets. Hermione had gifted her a set of books about the history magic and Hogwarts. Harry had framed her family tree in a large, beautiful case, he had even added pictures with certain names, and he gave her his Gryffindor sweater, he thought it was fitting.

"Hey." George whispered as he leaned over. "Can we talk outside."

"Uhm, yeah." Leah quickly pulled her new sweater over her head, gave Fred a kiss on the cheek and took one the large coats on the hanger and put it on, before she followed George outside, the thin layer of snow soft beneath their feet. "Something wrong, George?" She asked once they were outside, the cold wind flushed against her cheeks.

"No, but-" He took in a deep breath and pulled her in a hug. "I had a hard time finding you the right present."

"George, it doesn't-" She slightly pushed him back to look him in the eyes.

"Nothing I can ever give you will be enough."


"What you did for me, bringing Fred back, I could never repay you." His eyes started to cloud with tears.

"George." Leah pulled him back in. "Seeing you with Fred, seeing everyone happier since ... That is all I need. Like I told Fred, I don't need gifts, I have you guys. And you two brought more to my life I could wish for."

"You know..." George started as he pulled back, wiping a tear from his cheek. "I'm never going to stop trying to repay you." He chuckled and searched his pockets. "But this will have to do for now." And pulled out a small box. Leah accepted the gift and pulled the lid of it, she let out a low chuckle as she looked in. It was a round tin box with a picture of her, Fred and George on it. She took the tin box out of the package and looked with a cocked eyebrow to George, who gestured her to open it. The corner of her mouth twitched up as she opened the lit, in it was a whole assortment of chocolates and sweets.

"These are from our shop; every sweet gives a different effect. They are all safe, but if you don't want to be surprised, you can see the effect on the inside of the lid. And most importantly, the box will never be empty, it will always restock itself."

"Is that another way for you to not let me pay in the shop." She grinned, looking up at George.

"Maybe." He mimicked her expression. "But..." He looked over his shoulder and saw Fred walking out of the house, towards them. "This is for you too." He took out a bag from inside his jacket.

"Where do you stash all this?" Leah laughed.

"Special pockets." George shrugged, the grin still in place. "There are some normal daydream charms in here and some more adult ones, if you get my drift." He winked. "But I better get back inside, need to give my gift to Mione."

"Thanks, George." She kissed his cheek before his twin took his place in front of her.

"Fancy a walk?" Fred asked, his voice a bit nervous, when the snow started to fall again.

"Yes, I would love too." She intertwined her fingers with his. "I actually wanted to talk to you." She said as they started to walk towards the pond. "Is everything alright? You've been... off, the whole morning."

"No, everything's fine." He said as he looked straight ahead. Leah stopped in front of him when they reached the tree line.

"Freddie, you know you can tell me anything right." Her voice soft. It was silent for a moment, only the sound of the wind rustled through the trees. One hand graced the pocket of his trousers, and her eyes followed the movement. They turned wide when she saw the rectangular-shaped form in his pocket. "Fred..."

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