14.) A wish, for those I miss.

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A wish for a home that never existed, or perhaps a wish for a home you need to create. May the stars show you the future and past yet still retain their present beauty. When Ink falls my child you shall rise. - Somebody waiting for you.

Oh how I wonder how the stars shine so brightly when they are stuck in the cold of the night. How much duller would night be without them. Right.. we need to bring the magestone back.

Deuce| We actually did it! We aren't getting expelled!

I lightly laugh at his enthusiasm, I turn to see Ace and Grim looking happy too. The victory sits well with them no doubt! I feel happy too.

| How adorable, we should get to the headmasters office first and foremost!

Deuce| Don't you mean headmage?

I look puzzled for a second. I turn to him and glare
| Same difference!

He smiled at me and ignored my glare
Deuce| You can't scare me, that glare of yours is barely even scary.

I frown at him and walk ahead towards the mirror to get back. They realize I went ahead and they came rushing towards me.

Ace| Oi! Don't leave us behind-!

I laugh and smile at him
| I wouldn't have left without you lot. Well, maybe I would have.

Ace| Come on! That was uncalled for!

Grim| You wouldn't dare leave me behind henchman!

I snicker to myself for a little bit. We finally reach the mirror and walk through it.. I'll still never get used to that nauseating feeling of going through it.. we ended up back in the mirror room safe and sound.

| I will never get used to that feeling. Makes me sick no matter what.

Deuce sighed and nodded his head in agreement
Deuce| I feel you there..

Ace| I feel fine, you two are just weak.

Then I noticed Grim, looking like he was gonna throw up. I picked him up and ran outside for him to puke out there. Ace and Deuce noticed and followed me.

I cover my nose as Grim pukes off the staircase down below. I gag slightly and put him down safely on the stairs.

| Grim.. that really didn't sit well with you did it..?

Grim looking sickly and stumbling around faintly responds.
Grim| Bleh.. urk.. noo..

I sigh and look at Ace and Deuce. Their faces full of disgust and concern for the feline.

Ace| Yuck! How come you didn't puke on the way in?

Deuce| He was probably more distracted with other problems.

|I say we get to the headmages office before you two get expelled.

Deuce tenses up at that and nods his head, he quickly starts to walk towards the headmages office and I grab Grim and follow him.

Ace| Yeah yeah. Let's get a move on!

Ace catches up and we reach Crowley's office. I knock and enter. He looks surprised to see up and puts down his pen. I walk up and put the mage stone on his desk, which if he was surprised before, he was now flabbergasted. 'That's right be surprised.'

Crowley| My.. you brought the mage stone! And here I had already filled out your application for being expelled!

Deuce| It.. doesn't hurt to have a little faith.

I snicker quietly and put Grim down, seems he has recovered from his nausea.

Ace| Hey! We worked really hard to get this!

Grim| Yea! We even beat this super huge monster! Well mostly my henchmen did but..

I laugh at how offended they were, and how Grim gave me credit!

| Grim giving me credit? How sweet!

Crowley gets up and looks at us confused.
Crowley| What monster?

'Ohh boy.. I hope they don't want me to explain this..' Deuce then speaks up and explains it in detail for me. He surprisingly doesn't spill anything about what I was able to do.. how nice.

Crowley looked at us, he starts to get teary eyed.

Ace| Woah are you okay?

Crowley| I never thought I would see the day that my students would come together hand in hand and work together!

Ace| Hey it wasn't hand in hand it was...

Deuce| Like what he said! We just had the same goals at the same time!

Grim| Ain't no way I would work with these people!

I stifle a laugh and smile at them.
| Oh I'm pretty sure you three did! It was quite the sight!

They flush in embarrassment, well Ace and Deuce did. Even if Grim flushed red you couldn't see.

Crowley| Y/N this proves to me that you have the skill to become a beast tamer! Your mediocrity and averageness has some qualities that brings people together!

'He's.. not pulling any punches huh?'

Crowley| This just proves to me that you have the ability to attend this school as the first magic-less student!

'I was.. not expecting that..!' I smile like and idiot and look at Ace and Deuce, they look at me happy for me.

Crowley| But.. you and Grim will be attending as one student since you cannot use magic.

(I'm skipping the ghost camera part bc it doesn't matter and if your reading this you 100 percent know what happens there.)

| T-Thank you so much..! This means much more to me then you think..!

Ace| Heyy prefect! Glad your attending now!

Deuce| It is an honor to attend class with you. Since we are in the same grade.

Crowley| Ah yes you being in your own dorm would make you a prefect, wouldn't it?

A few tears fall out of my eyes. Shocking them. I wipe them away and Grim rubs up against my legs, equally as happy as me. I pick him up and cuddle him.

| I'm sorry for crying.. thank you, truly..

Crowley smiled at me and pat my head. Surprisingly nice for somebody like him..

Crowley| Speaking of which, here is a custom made necklace for you Grim. The gem is a mage stone for you to use.

Grim| I get to go here..? Great! I'm glad you finally reconsidered!

Crowley| You all should go rest. You have had a long day.

Ace| True, come on. Let's go.

I follow Ace with Grim in my arms and Deuce following close behind.

Ace| Hey Prefect, how does it feel to attend a magic school without magic?

Deuce| You truly are impeccable for that. You were also really cool back there.

I look at the moon before looking back at them.

| Thank you guys for being so nice, and being my friend..

Maybe a wish on a dead star, won't be heard by that star. But everything else hears your wish, maybe a wish for a better life, maybe a wish for time to stop. Everything takes into consideration how your wish will effect everything else. That's why your wish may not come true. Our main characters wish has been a home, a family, and she will get one. Despite the hardships on the way. You will prevail, we will prevail.

End of Prolouge..

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