11. What are you...

380 20 11

Motivation go up haha- oh god please help I have the desire to do everything and nothing at once. So here I am, writing! Votes and comments are very appreciated!

I rushed after Ace and Deuce, leaving Crowley behind. I wish I looked at his face now that I think about it, what did it look like? Ah! Right focus, we have to find this mage stone, magic stone whatever you call it!

|Hey! Wait for me, you can't leave me behind!

Deuce| Sorry! But we have to get this mage stone before the day ends!

Ace| Yea, hurry up slowpoke!

I huff loudly at his words
|How about I put you in a heavy dress! Let's see how you like it then!

I speed up enough to grab Ace's ear and pull on it, he yelps as I tug hard on it.

Ace| Ow Ow ow! Okay stop it I'm sorry!

Grim| Haha, look at you! My henchman is treating you like a kid!

Deuce| You three quit it! We are almost to the mirror chamber.

We take one more turn and reach the mirror chamber. We rush up to the mirror and Deuce takes the lead.

Deuce| Take us to the Dwarfs mine.

Deuce grabbed my hand and lead me through the mirror, Ace and Grim followed after. When passing through the mirror I felt like I was going to loose not only my lunch, but everything I had ever ate in my entire life. I certainly hope I don't forget what I ate back home.... Especially mother's calamari. Focus, find that magestone and don't reflect on the past!

I let go of Deuces hand and wipe away my cold sweat
|So.. where are we supposed to go?

Deuce| I- have no idea...

Ace| Theres a house over there, we should check if anybody is home. We could probably ask questions too.
He pointed in the direction of a small cottage and started walking, we followed in pursuit. I notice Grim tagging behind so I picked him up.

Grim| Myah! Warn me before you do that!

|Oh sorry, I thought the Great Grim Sama would like to be held and not waste important energy.

Grim| Hmph, well at least you had good intentions
He said that while leaning into me, he's such a softy sometimes.

Ace looked back at me confused and I smiled at him, he turned back around quickly and we carried on. When we reached the cottage we saw how run down it was. It was old and decrepit. Ace knocked on the door... nothing. He opened the door and we walked inside.

Deuce| Helloooo? Is anybody home? This place looks like it's been abandoned for a while..

I walked forward and a cobweb got stuck on my face. I coughed and got it off of my face.

|Yea definitely- theres cobwebs everywhere..

Ace pointed to seven tiny chairs
Ace| Did children live here? Theres.. one... two Seven! Seven chairs

Deuce| Seems like this place would have been very lively when the mine was flourishing

Ace| Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. If we're gonna find a magestone, it'll be inside the mine.

|Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's move out.

I turn to the door and hear Ace speak again. I turn to him.

Ace| Hey, Y/N I think you should stay back here. You are kind of dead weight seeing as you can't use magic.

What... what does he mean by that..

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