19. You've run out of luck

Start from the beginning

  I can't help but let out a squeal of contentment once the call ends. My entire face warming up as I reply our conversation in my head. I all but float upstairs, feeling like I'm on top of the world as I strip down to nothing and hop in the steaming hot shower. The warmth of the water heats my skin, as I lather my body and hair up. It doesn't take long before I'm stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel.

   I make my way down the hall and into my room. Sifting through my clothes in attempts to find an outfit fit for the occasion. After a while I decide on something simple, an oversized Lamb Of God T-shirt with my chunky platform shoes. I don't have much to chose from, and considering the fact that I'm Noah's guest I want to look presentable. I want to at least attempt to fit in with a group of rockstars. It's hard to tell who I will see, what important people I'll come into contact with and the last thing I want is to make any of the boys look bad. I take a seat in front of my vanity mirror as the nerves begin to set in almost immediately, my hands shaking too bad for me to properly attempt my makeup. I don't know what's suddenly got me worked up, but as I stare at myself in the mirror I begin to feel uneasy.

    There's no reason to be so riled up. It's just a night out with Noah and the boys, like I've done a million times before. Maybe it's the fact that it feels different now, I'll be meeting new people in his life. I want to make the very best first impression, especially if I'm reading the signals correctly and Noah is slowly crossing over into new territory in our friendship. I'll be around so many new faces, rich musicians, beautiful women, and I can't shake the fear of not fitting in. The thought of being an embarrassment provoking a vile taste to arise in the back of my throat. It's just a thought, an irrational one at that, but my self confidence is low. Years of hearing Jasper bark degrading remarks at me has done nothing but damage any confidence I ever had.

  I steady my breathing slowly, giving myself a mental pep talk in order to carry on with my makeup. His words, as malice as they may have been, held no ground. He was just an insecure man who wanted to drag me all the way down to the bottom right along with him. It takes me a moment, but eventually I'm able to calm myself enough to pull off a half decent smoky eye. The bold noir eyeshadow making my icy blue eyes pop. I don't do much else with myself, letting my hair hang naturally as I work my fingers through any knots that have formed in its drying process. I didn't realize how much time had gotten away from me until I hear my phone vibrate with a text, seeing the time light up across my screen.


Noah will be here at any moment and the simple thought causes my throat to go dry as I continue eying myself over in the mirror, trying to find any flaw in my appearance. I want to look good, not just for him but myself. I've spent so much time hiding away in the shadows, it's an odd sensation to be willing to step away from the safety I've found in self isolation. I don't want to be the girl I've become, or the girl he made me rather, too scared to stand out and take control of what she wants.

  I hear the lock turn to the front door, a clear indicator that Noah has arrived home. My heart begins to pump rapidly, my head foggy with nerves. I hear his heavy steps begin to ascend the stairs, every moan in the floor seeming to speed up and pass as fast as the seconds that tick by.

  Creek.. 1
  Creek... 2

By the third give in the steps I can hear him walking down the hall towards my room, anticipation filling the air. Suffocating me

  There's a slight knock. The sound causing my already dry throat to completely deplete of any moisture that was left behind. I'm not sure why all of a sudden he's got me on edge. He's the same person he's always been to me, he's just Noah. But somehow everything feels so different. It's a whole new ball game.

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