Chapter Five

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I woke up and getting ready for the day, then I went downstairs to making myself some cup of coffee but then suddenly I didn't know that I was using the telekinetic to bring me the sugar and the cream, when I turn around to getting them I looked and I gasped dropped the sugar and the cream to the ground. I asked myself 'What in the hell is going on?!?' I decided to grabbed my black trench coat and ran off, Dipper sees me ran off shout out my name "Lynn! Come back!" I didn't hear Dipper calling out my name and I stopped in the middle of the forest, I mumbled to myself "What the hell is wrong with me?!? Can anyone is going to help me?!?" Then I turn around and started walking back at the Mystery Shack, I see Stan standing out there waiting for me and said "Lynn, we need to talk". I said to him "Not right now, Stan" and Stan asked "What's wrong, Lynn?" I said "It's nothing, I'm just tired that's all", he walked up to me and said "Go to your bed and get some rest, okay" and I said "Okay, Stan". I went to bed and trying to get some rest but I open my eyes and see that mysterious man fighting against some kind of monster, the monster sees me and trying to running up to me but the mysterious man killed it before it ready to strike. The mysterious man ran up to me and asked "Are you okay, Lynn?" I said "I'm fine, sir", he looked at my face and my wrists said "You sure because you got some cuts and bruises on your arms and face".

So, I explain everything to him and then I also said "All of the sudden I these powers that I didn't even have" and then the mystery man said "I'll find a way to getting out of here and help you with your powers, my dear", then he said to himself 'I'll protect you, Lynn. You're my daughter to protect from HIM'. I looked at him and said "You promise, sir" and he gave me a smile said "I promise, Lynn", I woke up from my nap and then I heard Mabel and Stan talking in his office, Mabel and Stan made a deal and Stan went up to me grab my hand, said "This time we need to talk, Lynn". I sigh and went with him, Stan said "Here's the thing, Mabel is going to be the boss for three days and I'll be gone for three days, the bet was if I win she have to wear a shirt that says 'Loser' for the rest of the summer but she wins I have to sing a song and do a little dance. But what I'm trying to say is that I needed you to look after yourself that includes eating your meals and get plenty of sleep, okay. Can you do this for me, please?" I said "Yes, Stan. Have fun with your three day vacations" and he hugged me and kiss on my head, Stan put his suit case in the car and he said to Mabel "See you in 72 hours and good luck on rising the money, Mabel!" Dipper said "Mabel, you just made a bet against the professional conman" and I said "Dipper has a point, Mabel!"

Dipper went up to me and said "Um, Lynn. I need to talk to you for a moment, please" and I said "Oh. Sure thing, Dipper. Come on, let's go outside". While we're outside, I turn around and asked "What is on your mind, Dipper?" Dipper walked up to me and said "You have powers, don't you", I looked at him said "Yes, I have powers but I just can't controlling it very well, Dipper. Please don't say a word about this to Stan, okay" and he said "Of course, Lynn". Then suddenly the monster is destroying the Mystery Shack and Mabel said "Oh, no! The mystery shack is destroy!" The monster ran away and Wendy also Soos was about to leave and making Mabel to do all the work but I said "That's enough! Soos and Wendy! You're not going anywhere because you're going to help us fixing and cleaning the mystery shack or else!" Wendy and Soos said it at the same time 'Yes, Lynn", I felt fainted and Dipper said "Soos, catch her!" Soos caught me in his arms and I looked at him said "Thanks Soos", Mabel walked up to me and asked "When is the last time you slept, Lynn?" Wendy said "Yeah, you don't look so good" and Dipper said to himself 'Maybe it's her powers that's draining her energy', I looked at them said "Guys, I'm feeling fine. Nothing to worry about, okay". After we fixed the mystery shack, Stan told us that he made $3,000 dollars but he lost it because the final round was "Please" is the final answer and then Dipper said "Mabel looks like you won the bet. Which means Grunkle Stan have to do the 'Sorry' song and dance, am I right?" Mabel said "Yeah, that's right. Let's go, grunkle Stan", then Stan said to her "Fine, let's get this over with. Also Lynn, you haven't been training lately so after I'm done, you and me are doing some training, got it" and I said to him "Yes, Stan". 

Dipper went up to me and asked "I forgot to asked you something, Lynn. Does grunkle Stan knows that you have these powers?" I turn around and said "No, he doesn't know and he won't going to find out because I'm not going to tell him at all", Dipper said to me "Butt Lyn--" and I said to him "No butts, Dipper! I mean it!" What Dipper and I didn't know was that Stan was still outside leaning on the wall listening to Dipper's and my conversations about my powers, Stan said to himself 'This is not good. I got to get Poindexter out of the portal and fast!' Stan said "Okay, Lynn. It's time for your training!" Mabel and Dipper ran up to Stan, Mabel asked "Can we watch you and Lynn fight, grunkle Stan?" Stan said to her "Sure thing. You kids needed to learn how to defend yourself in case you see Gideon again", Soos and Wendy came outside to watch me and Stan fighting outside. I finally went outside in my training outfit and I had my hair pull up to a ponytail, Stan asked me "Are you ready?" I looked at him with a smile and said to him "Bring it on, old man!" Stan ran up to me to punch me but I jumped and front flip of his head, Stan is shocked that I did a front flip over his head and he said "Not bad, Lynn", but I kicked him in the gut and I grabbed his arm and flip him over my shoulder. Dipper said "Whoa!" Mabel said "Alright Lynn!" Soos said "You can do it, Mr. Pines!" Wendy said "Kick his ass, Lynn!" Stan turned around and asked Mabel and Wendy "Who's side are you on?" Mabel and Wendy said it at the same time "Lynn's side", then Stan took out two of his brass knuckles said "I'm not going easy on you, Lynn" and then I kicked him in the chest jumped down swap his feet and he landed on his back, I looked at him said "Give up" and he said "Yeah, I give up. Man, you're getting stronger by the week and I'm proud of you". We all are tired and we went to bed after dinner, but then Stan went to the lab still working on getting his brother back.

(1,306 words)

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