Chapter Four

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I was getting ready for the day and went downstairs to have some breakfast, Stan is getting everything ready for the day and he looking at me said "Lynn, go spend some time with your cousins and Soos in the living room watching television" and I said to him "Okay, Stan". I went to the living room and see Dipper, Mabel and Soos said "Good Morning", Dipper said to me "Good morning, Lynn. I wanted to give you the journal back since you found it first after all" and I said "I wanted you to keeping it safe for now okay, Dipper" and he just nodded his head at me. I asked them "What are you guys watching?" Mabel said "We're watching a show that calls, Tiger Fists", so we watched it until there the commercial started and Soos said to us "Hey look, is that commercial I was telling you guys about". We watched the commercial about Lil Gideon and that he is a psychic, I said to myself 'That's bull crap' and then Stan came in the living room said "No one is allow to go over there because I forbid it!" Then I heard the phone ring and I said "I'll get it!" I answered the phone "Hello?" This person asked "Hello? Is this Lynn that I'm speaking to?" I said "Yes, this is she. May I help you?" This person said "Hello there, Lynn. It's me, Gideon" and I said "Gideon?!? You know that you're not allow to connect me!" Gideon said "I will find you, Lynn. You will going to help me ruining Stanford's life" and I said to him "I still refuse to helping you, Gideon! Now leave me the hell alone!" and I hang up the phone, Stan walked up to me and asked "What's wrong, Lynn?" Stan looked at my eyes and sees that I have tears in my eyes, I dropped to my knees and he ran up to me said "Lynn. Tell me what happened? Who was that on the phone?" I said to him "Gideon. And he's coming for me" and Stan just holding on to me said "Don't you worry, pumpkin. He's going to get you because I'll protecting you".

Dipper, Soos, Mabel and I are at the Telepathy Tent to watching Gideon's show, but before I go into the telepathy tent. Someone grab me behind and putting the rag over my mouth, but I try to getting away from this person but I black out and someone is holding on to me over his shoulder asked this other person "Where would you like for her to be at, son?" Gideon said "Take her to the old warehouse and chain her to the wall", Gideon putting the cloth in my mouth and then he turn around said to himself 'It's show time'. Bud carry me to the old warehouse and chain me to the wall, so he went back to the telepathy tent until the show is over. Dipper, Soos and Mabel are outside waiting for me but I didn't show up, Dipper asked "Where's Lynn?" Mabel said "I don't know" and Soos said "Dudes, if we don't find her. Mr. Pines is not going to be happy", Dipper said "Well, we have to tell him right now because I think that Gideon kidnapped her. Come on, we got to tell him and fast!" Dipper, Mabel and Soos came back from the Telepathy Tent to looking for Stan but they heard someone asking them "What's up guys! What's wrong?" Dipper asked "Where is grunkle Stan, Wendy?" Wendy looking at them and asked "What's the matter, Dipper?" Before Dipper could answer her question, Stan walked up to them and asked "What's going on? Where is Lynn?" Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy are looking at each other and then Mabel said "Grunkle Stan, you might want to sit down for this" and Stan sat down said "Okay, pumpkin. Tell me, right now".

Dipper said "Lynn is missing, grunkle Stan" and Stan is now pissed off demand "Who the hell took her?!?" Dipper, Soos and Mabel said it at the same time "Gideon" and Stan said "Everyone in the car now!" Back at the old warehouse, I finally woken up but then I looked around and asked myself 'Where am I? What is this place?' "Ah, I see that you finally woken up, my dear" and I looked to my right said "Gideon! Let me go!" Gideon walked up to me and said "Let me think about it. Um, yeah, no. I'm not letting you go, Lynn", I said "You can't keep me here, Gideon! Stan will save me from you and he will kick your sorry ass for messing with me!" Gideon smile at me and said "Oh, I know that he'll be here real soon" and then we heard someone bursting into the warehouse, Stan, Soos, Wendy, Dipper and Mabel ran up to him. Stan demand "Where is she, Gideon?!?" Gideon turn around and said "Well, she's right here, Stanford" and he moved to his left, they see me chain up to the wall and beaten. Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy shouted out my name "Lynn!" Stan looked really pissed off and yelled "What the hell did you do to her, Gideon?!?" I looked up and I see them standing there, I said to Stan in painful voice "" and Stan said to himself 'She doesn't look too good', Dipper said "Let her go, Gideon!" Gideon said "Never! Unless Mabel goes out with me on a date", Mabel shouted "What?!?" I looked at her and said "Don't do it!"

Gideon turn around and slap me in the face said "Shut your damn mouth!" My eyes are closed and opening them up again, Stan said "Don't you dare lay your hand on her!!" Soos asked Stan "What are we going to do, Mr. Pines?" Wendy said "Yeah, Stan. I mean, she doesn't look too good" and then Stan demand to Gideon "What will it take to getting out of those chains, Gideon?!?" Gideon thought of something and then he got an idea said "You verses my pa in street fight in one hour at my telepathy tent. If you win, Lynn will go free. But if you lose, I get to go on a date with Mabel". Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy were looking at Stan, Stan doesn't know what to do until Dipper said "Go on, grunkle Stan!" Mabel said "You can do this, grunkle Stan!" Soos said "Do this for Lynn!" Wendy said "Teaching him a lesson for hurting her!" Stan looked at Gideon and said "You're on, Gideon! I'm doing this for my family!" Gideon said to him "Splendid. See you there, Stanford. Pa bring Lynn to the telepathy tent and I'll tell everyone to come to the telepathy tent to see a street fight my pa against Stanford", I looked at him and said "Stan...", I was out cold and Stan said to me "Don't you worry, Lynn. I will save you no matter what!"

I looked at Gideon and said "You won't get away with this, Gideon" and Gideon said to me "Oh, Lynn. I already have...Ha ha". An hour later, everyone is waiting for Stan, Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy to show up which they did. Gideon walked up to Stan and asked "Are you ready to lose, Stanford?" Stan said "I'll never going to lose to you, Gideon!" Gideon said to everyone "Let's the fighting beginning!" Stan took off his jacket and handed to Soos, he walked up to Bud and Bud went up to him said "Look, Stanford. Let's not fight and just let your niece to date my son", Stan punched Bud in the face and said "Not going to happened, Bud!" Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy said it at the same time "Go Stan!" Gideon said "Come on, Pa. Kick his ass!" I said to myself 'Okay, I'm just had enough of this crap' and my eyes are starting to glowing golden, the rope is now on the ground and I ran up to them standing between them. Stan said "Lynn?" Bud looked confused and asked "Uh, what's going on here, Gideon?" Gideon said "I-I don't know, Pa"  looked at Bud and said to him "So, you wanted to hurt my father by punching him?!?" Bud said "N-No, ma'am. I-I really don't wanted to, but he leaving no choice" and I walked up to him "So, let me get this straight, Bud. You're forty years old man and you're taking orders from a ten years old kid". So, I punch him in the face and he was knock out cold, then I turn my head to see Gideon and walked to him and said "If I were you, little boy. You stay the hell away from my family or else!" Gideon said to me "Y-Y-Yes, Lynn. Crystal clear" and he ran off said "I'll get you for this, Pines!" Everyone is heading home after the street fight, then I closed my eyes and collapsed into Stan's arms, Stan said "Come you guys, let's go home" and we're heading home.

(1,525 words)

Ford is Lynn's Protector!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora