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Now, working in a café had its ups, and downs, whether it was the overwhelming long hours or the horrific abuse staff had to face from time to time. However, there was also great things about working there! Amalia loved it, for her it was a really fun, and rewarding experience. As she got to meet lots of different people, and learn how to make delicious drinks, and food. Even if it was a fast-paced environment, especially during the afternoon. Amalia believed it helped her work under pressure, and stay organised. One of the best parts for her is that she got to know the regular customers, and make their day just a little better with a friendly smile. Making people happy was her way of happiness.

Despite, her happiness coming from making others happy, it also came from her two best friends. Amalia had such a special bond with Charles, and Angel, she truly cared so much about them, she cherished the times she spent with them. They would always support her whenever she was going through a rough patch, and she would support them too. They would all support each other through good times and bad times, they were all a source of comfort, and encouragement to one another. Trust was a huge thing to Amalia, she thought that if you didn't have trust in a relationship, then there's no point in being in one.

Fortunately, Angel, and Charles were the most trustworthy people a person could ever have, Amalia could confide in them and they were always there for her. They all became best friends from their shared interests, similar experiences, and just mutual appreciation for each other. To Amalia, the friendship they all shared was such a beautiful, and important part of her life. It brought her joy, laughter, and a sense of belonging.


Amalia, loved spending time at the café, but today she truly felt like she would die if she spent anymore time there. Unfortunately, she had four hours left of work, which meant she wasn't in the greatest mood. 

"Hi, how can I help you today?" Amalia asked.

"Hello there, have you got any jam doughnuts?"

"Yes we do, would you like a drink with it?"

"Oooh yes, could I have a medium cinnamon latte?"

"Of course! If you don't mind, can you move to the collection aisle, whilst you wait for your order?" The customer complied, with a huge smile on her face.

"Would you like your name written on the cup?" Amalia spoke politely.

The blonde haired customer had took a few seconds deciding on whether or not she needed it on there, but for the fun and excitement of it, she said yes.

"My name is Devyn"

Amalia smiled, and began writing Devyn's name onto the cup.


The barista's phone had started to blow up with messages, Amalia was completely confused, she knew that it wasn't the 'balls before babes' group chat simply because the boys had a football game. Amalia picked up her phone and quickly after she had the biggest smile on her face, Charles had texted her saying "hi lia, me and angel are going to be stopping by the café!" She finally felt like she could manage working today, as her two best friend were going to be stopping by, meaning her mood would cheer up.

"Oh thank god, you guys came! I wouldn't have been able to survive another minute of this"

"Looks like someone is happy to see us" Charles spoke.

"What's up with you? You love working here" Angel stated, perplexed on why her best friend was so down today.

"I'm not sure, i've been feeling really ill these past days, and work sure isn't helping"

Charles felt extremely upset finding out that Lia wasn't well, she always had a smile on her face and some would describe her as a ray of sunshine. So, to find out this, didn't really put him in the best of moods. "Oh no, Lia, have you taken some paracetamol?"

Amalia had completely forgotten to take some today and she regretted it deeply. Her head was pounding, and she was sure she was coming up with a cold that would probably knock her around for the next few days. Amalia sadly responded "No, i forgot to take it today and the only ones the café has, are the capsule ones".

Luckily, Angel had just remembered she had the chalk paracetamols that her friend was so desperately in need for! "Look what i've got!!!!" the girl held up the packet of tablets and spoke

"You are the biggest life saver ever, thank you so much Angel"

"Of course, you know i'm always here for you"

"So... is this a bad time to ask for a drink?" Charles anxiously spoke.

"Oh charles, of course not. Just because i'm ill doesn't mean i'm not going to do my job"

"Thank god, I was so scared to ask, like I was ready to come behind the counter and make it myself"

Angel and Amalia burst out into laughter, they both loved how cute their friend was, it was one of the aspects they loved most about him.

"Do you want the usual?"

"Yes! Could I have a chocolate muffin with it?"

Amalia nodded, whilst having the smile everyone adored on her face and had started to make his order.

"OMG!!! Let me tell you guys about the date I had" Angel excitedly uttered.

" Yes yes"

"Oh goodness me, I had completely forgotten to ask you about that"

Angel was extremely shook with the reaction she had received, she was full of joy and had immediately giggled with content, after her two best friends were so interested. She knew that they would always listen to whatever she had to say, no matter if they were rants about things the other two were so clueless about, or if they were just rants about her life.

"Alright alright!!! What happened first, was that I had entered the restaurant and she had the cutest smile on her face, she looked really delighted to see me".

Amalia really had no idea how long they were chatting for, but one thing she knew was that she was immensely glad that her best friend had met someone who made her feel this happy. Just listening to her talk about the date she went on, made her feel so joyful, it didn't matter where they were, or the situation they were in. As long as they had each other nothing else truly mattered.

hi my lovelies! sorry this chapter is quite short (it's still 1000+ words, like promised), i had originally planned out this chapter but writing it entirely would make it over 3000+ words, so instead i decided to split it into 3 chapters. this also hasn't been proof read because i'm tired, ill, and i've also had a terrible headache all day which means my mind isn't functioning correctly 😭 anyways, make sure to vote + comment, and eat + drink something. love u! <3

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 ☆ c. pulisicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin